Colorado OTC - Shooter?

Most likely kill it.

I have passed on bigger bulls waiting for the herd bull to step out and never fill my tag.

Idk anymore... I've got a really full freezer right now.. like really full. My kids are all moving out so it doesn't get eaten like before.

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A bull that size is way less complicated. Saw off the skull cap, throw it in the truck bed, hang it on a nail in the garage when I get home. Bing-bang-done. Easy breezy.

But, If I screw up and shoot a 320” bull, then I’ve got problems. 1st, you’ve got to pack out the whole damn head and the cape and that shit is heavy. Like a whole extra trip heavy. Then I’ll have to scramble to find a local taxidermist to drop it off with since I can’t bring the brain across state lines. Then I’ll have to fork out $1500 for a mount and another $600 to ship the damn thing. And, then finally comes the worst part, I’ll have to fight like Hell with my wife to hang it up in the house. And, I’ve got to be honest, I’m not so sure I’m going to win that fight. Now, a 370” Bull, I feel like that fight I could win b/c I’d push it to the point of getting a divorce; but not sure I want to risk going all-in on a 320”. So now I’ve got a pissed off wife and a $2000 shoulder mounted 320” OTC bull taking up ALL the space in my garage….

So yeah, I’m shooting that raghead the first chance I get.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
Shooting...I get to elk hunt 5 or 6 days per year...I'll never be picky. Always someone else in camp I can keep hunting with if it's day 1.
At this point in my life, I would pass. Much earlier in my hunting life it would have been a dead bull no questions asked.
When I moved to IL and started bowhunting I told myself I wont shoot a doe or small buck as my first deer.

Passed on lots of does and raghorns...5 years later I shot a nice buck... I would shoot that elk without hesitating, tag soup was awful for those 5 years.
Shoot- I’ve never shot a really good bull, why start now? :D
Here I am thinking it looked like a great bull to me. He's even got an extra point on each side more than needed to be legal. Doesnt matter though with my luck on a bluebird day at 10am my wind would run straight downhill in an open meadow and run him off. Just play the wind they say, where I hunt in CO my track on onx would look like the white line on the top of a hostess cupcake.