Colorado OTC Archery Honey Holes!

Hi everyone, newbie to the forum here from Michigan. Hope everyone that made it out Elk hunting or otherwise last season had an enjoyable experience. I was lucky enough to tag my first archery bull in Colorado GMU 12 last September. That being said, I had 10 points, which I burned for a 4 point area in order to hunt with other family members with lesser points. This was my second Colorado Elk hunt in the last 10 years, both of which were in limited draw units. I had no prior boots on the ground scouting of either unit prior to the start of each 10 day hunt and both were DIY with little to no inside knowledge. I consider myself an avid online scouter and study topo and aerial maps in great detail before the hunt. Therefore, I feel that those efforts played a large part in my success in getting on elk within the first day on both occasions. I also put in over 7 miles per day in the first week to narrow down where the elk were in the particular areas we hunted.

All that being said, I am planning on another DIY OTC archery hunt in Colorado next fall. This will obviously be my first OTC hunt and looking for good information on units and particular honey holes and will of course share mine for units 12 and 67. I realize what I'm asking for and many obviously wouldn't be willing to give up their secret spot.

As for my style and hunt plan, I plan on hunting with a single partner and backcountry spike camp etc. on public land. Not affraid to get into the backcountry 5-10 miles (just like everyone else these days). I realize most OTC units are overrun with hunters. I would really like to find an area with some Wilderness solitude, high elevation, deep dark timber that nobody else likes to hunt and of course good numbers of quality elk (not trophies). If such an area outside of limited draw even exists. I have read some information about units 421, 521, 25, 14 and 22 being relatively good OTC hunting. Any help in narrowing down my search would be much appreciated. Thanks, Tim
all you forgot is "pm's welcome"

seriously, if someone does give you info from this thread, you are probably better off finding your own spots. nobody is giving a good spot up, especially a little hole in the wall with lower pressure... for sure ain't happening.

most people aren't sharing that info with friends, let alone a stranger from the internet..... let's be realistic here.

I do think you are going about this wrong, and setting yourself up for failure, instant gratification doesn't work out, especially if you are trying to get it free (or on trade. haha)

do your online scouting, pick a few areas of interest and have some backup plans. if you don't find success this fall, you'll be that much further ahead the following one.

on the internet, one may offer the how and when, among other things, but never the "where". it's bad form asking, and the leads you do get will more than likely be a wild goose chase of people suggesting areas far away from where they plan on hunting :ROFLMAO:

this whole thread suggests you'll give info up to help yourself, which is a problem if someone gives you a spot..... down the road, you'll obviously give their spot up for more info.... find your own "honey hole" any spot that holds elk can be a honey hole or dead, it's more about timing and strategy rather than the actual spot.

I wish you luck, but you are going about this wrong
Yeah, I appreciate and realize this. I do plan on doing significant research and online scouting. Not trying to insult anyone etc. And know how this works. By no means is this a hail marry attempt for someone’s perfect secret spot. I personally am a very honest person, have some good information to offer and figured I would give it a shot. Another user gave me some good info after feeling me out to see if I was truthful and trustworthy. He found that I was and in fact hunts the same areas I have with great success. After some conversation and cross reference, I feel that I was successful in getting good intel. That intel won’t be shared with others.
Good lord, I’m beginning to see why you all get completely annoyed by this every year.

No shit!
If I read one more...”not looking for anyone’s honey hole” I’m gonna barf!
Yes you are, just admit it...however this fella just comes right out with it.

People, stop acting like indigents!
DIY doesn’t mean, beg for internet info.
Damn straight! The least they could do is offer to take one of you guys to the Denver Chophouse, buy you a steak, a few rounds of beverages, then offer to be handy - around camp. Then ask for honey holes. Bastards...
I believe we should all start replying to things like this with a list of preferred outfitters. . . Maybe in the long run Rokslide will get some more sponsors from all the traffic we push to the outfitters.

And let's be honest, what better way to find a honey hole? Pay a guy $5,000 to show it to you and help pack your elk out!
You know.........I have an old GPS that I was thinking about selling. It's worth maybe $50 as a GPS with everything wiped clean, but then I got to thinking.........with all my waypoints marked on it, I might be able to let it go for maybe $5000.........maybe.
I'll bite... Just uh... Send me the coordinates first so I can make sure they're legit...

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To the OP, if you are truly doing what you are saying by packing in deep, taking advantage of your cyberscouting, spike camping, etc., then you will be perfectly fine getting into game. Just look at the data of the OTC units, pick one, and work your same plan?

I'm not trying to be a prick but for me personally I'm super excited to find game on my own. That's part of what makes it so fun. In fact going out blind a couple years ago with my little group was half the adventure. While we were out there we ran into some awesome locals that have since become good friends with.

Don't get me wrong, I love eating elk and have yet to put meat on the table but it's just so much more rewarding when it's 100% your thing from start to finish. Good luck, it sounds like you'll be fine wherever you land.
Just as soon as I've verified that the cash is legit, then you can verify that the waypoints are legit. But anyone buying waypoints wouldn't know whether they were legit or not.
I know bud. I was just playing devil's advocate. I have zero desire to hunt someone else's spot unless I coincidentally find it on my own. The whole purpose of "The Hunt" is the HUNTING. Not pulling the trigger with as little effort as possible. If that's your goal, hunt a high fence. Or start shooting cattle.

And part of the game, current state, is dealing with a crowded field of competitors. That's no different here in Indiana, Colorado, Montana, etc.... Success comes to those who earn it. Or support a guide if you want to buy it.

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