Colorado: Oppose HB 25-1258 Contact your Rep

Jul 17, 2017
Colorado House Bill 25-1258 was introduced yesterday and will soon hit the House Agriculture, Water, and Natural Resources Committee. It is deceptively titled "Scientific Wildlife Management" but will open the door for never-ending attacks from anti-hunting activists.

HB 25-1258: Scientific Wildlife Management. I strongly urge you to vote no on HB 25-1258 or amend any following version to implicitly protect the ability of Coloradans to hunt, fish, and trap. Any following version should also include guidance to the Commission to adopt rules that benefit outdoor recreation opportunities for Coloradans, including hunting, fishing, trapping, hiking, camping, etc. By stipulating that rules must benefit all Coloradans, it would be easy to challenge rules that provide outdoor opportunities to certain user groups, specifically hunters, anglers, ATV riders, skiers, hikers, etc. This is particularly dangerous for hunters as we have seen significant action from out-of-state funded, anti-hunting organizations attempting to ban hunting in Colorado, such as failed Proposition 127 and SB22-031.

Hunting has been a critical component of CPW wildlife management for decades. HB25-1258 removes the guidance that CPW “shall utilize hunting, fishing, and trapping as the primary means of effecting harvest” to CPW “may authorize hunting, fishing, and trapping in accordance with the best available science to benefit wildlife, whole ecosystem health, and all Coloradans”. This change leaves the door open for anti-hunting activists to challenge every single wild game hunting season and regulation on the grounds that it does not benefit whole ecosystem health and all Coloradans. It would be an insurmountable task for CPW to consistently evaluate whole ecosystem health prior to authorizing every single hunting and fishing rule or regulation.

HB 25-1258 is a Trojan Horse, opening the door to a slow, steady elimination of Coloradans’ ability to sustainably harvest wild game and enjoy diverse outdoor opportunities. It grants the extreme anti-hunting factions a wide berth to attack Colorado’s rich hunting and fishing legacy. HB 25-1258 provides no specific protections for Colorado hunters, trappers, and anglers. I ask you to vote no on HB 25-1258 or significantly amend the bill to support future generations of Colorado sportsmen and women.

Contact the House Agriculture, Water, and Natural Resources Committee below and voice your opposition:

Karen McCormick
[email protected]

Mandy Lindsay
[email protected]

Matthew Martinez
[email protected]

Tammy Story
[email protected]

Ty Winter
[email protected]

Matt Soper
[email protected]

Meghan Lukens
[email protected]

Elizabeth Velasco
[email protected]

Larry Don Suckla
[email protected]

Katie Stewart
[email protected]

Lesley Smith
[email protected]

Dusty Johnson
[email protected]

Tisha Mauro
[email protected]
I know it never ends but some days I just get so frustrated. Emails sent and thanks for bringing this to the forefront. I'd missed this one while emailing the legislator about the semi-auto ban and the 21 and over ammunition purchase bill. Sheesh.
Update: HOWL for Wildlife now has an action item for this bill. Easy to make your voice heard. Link below. Thanks HOWL!

Apparently there is no level of deceit or dishonesty that the Prop 127/CATS/HB 1258 proponents won’t stoop to in their pursuit of eliminating hunters. Now they are telling the committee members that all the Colorado hunters emailing them are frauds and not real people, just HOWL bots or something. Absolutely disgusting.

Apparently there is no level of deceit or dishonesty that the Prop 127/CATS/HB 1258 proponents won’t stoop to in their pursuit of eliminating hunters. Now they are telling the committee members that all the Colorado hunters emailing them are frauds and not real people, just HOWL bots or something. Absolutely disgusting.

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Where is the source for this statement? Thanks
My understanding is that HOWL got it from an email that was sent to all Colorado House Natural Resources committee members from the NGO lobbyist/activists behind HB 25-1258. Likely sent by Samantha Miller, campaign director for CATS and Animal Wellness Action/Center for Humane Economy.
I got a response:

Dusty Johnson <[email protected]>

to me

10:12 AM (25 minutes ago)






Hello ,

Thank you for expressing your concerns on House Bill 25-1258.

You are spot on. Why fix what is not broken? Colorado Parks & Wildlife’s (CPW) is already using sound science and is the premier state fish and game agency in the west.

This bill is a thinly veiled attack on hunting and would undercut Colorado’s long history of utilizing hunting and angling as a primary wildlife management tool

I will be a strong NO vote when we hear HB25-1258 in the House Agriculture, Water, and Natural Resources Committee.

Representative Dusty A. Johnson
Colorado House District 63
Cell: (970) 370-1154
Office: (303) 866-2398
My understanding is that HOWL got it from an email that was sent to all Colorado House Natural Resources committee members from the NGO lobbyist/activists behind HB 25-1258. Likely sent by Samantha Miller, campaign director for CATS and Animal Wellness Action/Center for Humane Economy.
New lady not Sam is in charge, they are based out of Boulder, surprise surprise… I’d like to see where they are getting their funding from…
They do have expensive real estate for their HQ though…
So Marshall and Miller led CATS/Prop 127 campaign. If you look back at most of the pro-127 articles in local media outlets, they came from one of the two. As I recall both were working full time for Animal Wellness Action/Center for a Humane Economy. That org also provided a major portion of the funding, ran by Wayne Pacelle. They are a national anti-hunting org operating out of Washington DC.