Colorado Leftover/Reissue List

I will say this year is miles ahead of what CPW has had in the past years. The whole first person to checkout thing was a disaster previous years. System crashing. Logged in way before hand, hunt code punched in, and still took 40 minutes to checkout with no luck. This year they at least had a cap on the amount of people allowed to be on the site at one time, and ran pretty smooth if you logged in at 8am when it allowed you to. 9am came and you could click right in and punch in your hunt code. No issues.

This year at least you could add it to the cart and have the tag reserved for checkout. Just like ticket websites and such. This at least gave you the opportunity to punch in another hunt code if your first one wouldn't let you get it into the cart. Or get a elk tag entered and still have a few minutes to get a deer punched in too before the 15 minute checkout time passed..

Previously I would add a tag, along with 500 other people having the same tag in their cart, and by the time the system got through the checkout process the tag was gone. No time then to go back to the hunt big game page and try again for your second or third options. As those were already gone too.

Tags all don't necessarily populate on the leftover list. If it refreshes every 5 minutes the tag could have already hit the system, and then been sold before the "updated list" shows up or refreshes.

I've seen guys sleep outside of the CPW office to get a tag. So I'm sure there is still some of that going on. Sure maybe there is some "insider tag" stuff that happens. But it is what it is.. I've never liked the way the leftover and reissue stuff has worked out before, but the system and process this year is by in large is far better then past years.
There were a few tags I wanted yesterday morning that were on the pre issue list. I didn't want to take a chance so while I was logged in I also called in at 10:55 and got through. The lady said they aren't supposed to take calls until 11;00 or after but I was close enough and she would help me. She got me logged in and entered my first and second choice. At 10:59:30 she started clicking enter to get my tags. She did this for 2 minutes and finally said sorry your tags are not available and asked if I gave her the correct codes. She couldn't understand how she didn't get the tags but I think they hit prior to 10:59. Reason is I was logged in at 10:50 and around 10:55 I got bumped out but I never tried the PC again because I though I had the golden goose with getting through on the phone.

Back to OTC.
i Got a 201 cow tag exactly at 11:00:05 because i didn't log in and followed directions. Lucky i got a tag, but i am just that, lucky. How naive i was to think they would not open the sale early. Jez
You were late to the game and got lucky. DOW released the tags at 10:58 AM. That is confirmed through their office
I was allowed to select the Deer tag I wanted at 10:58:01, and when I clicked the add to said quota was zero and I couldn't add it. Which means it sold before 10:58. The part that chaps me a little is that at 10:57:56...I was not allowed to select the hunt code to even add to my cart. Fishy Fishy CDOW-would love to know who got that tag, and at what time!

For me....who is a 6th Generation CO native and a real CO pioneer family member, I routinely have a difficult time getting a tag be it in the draw, second draw, or left over mess. The part that is the most questionable in my mind is this fact......CO hands out 361K big game licenses a year. 102k of them are to out of state hunters. 1/3 of all big game license go to non residents.......In my mind this is unacceptable and completely out of the norm for any western state.
And as a non-resident I’d like more available. The fact that we pay 5x or more than residents pay, crowd your favorite restaurants spending money & keep the local hotels & campgrounds solvent in the fall bad weather is a nice benefit to the local economy for 1/3 of the tags. My pioneer family in San Diego county doesn’t have much left of the original ranch & more lions than deer most days - I love CO hunting it’s the highlight of the year & we try to be as polite & responsible as possible - even if we are competing for the same tags.
You were late to the game and got lucky. DOW released the tags at 10:58 AM. That is confirmed through their office
If they had released them at 10:58, then they would have shown up on the 10:58 leftover list......but the five different tags I was watching weren't on the 10:58 list or any others past that. They had to have released them even earlier than 10:58.
I was getting Leftover watch app notifications at 10:56 for some cow tags. A different cow tag my buddy got he was able to add to his cart prior to 1058 also. And the mule deer tag I got was also prior to that. They all didn't come on the list at the same time. Some tags hit before my deer and also my buddy's tag. Seems it was a rollout from prior to 1055 to 11ish.
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You were late to the game and got lucky. DOW released the tags at 10:58 AM. That is confirmed through their office
Did they give a reason why???
So now we sit there for 15 mins before drop and punch codes in until it advances???
Don’t get me started on mandatory harvest reporting either. I know a good way to un-science data. Just F
I tried in person at 11 last week, online today.

I had constant refresh on the preview and when it disappeared put in the cpwshop code in a different tab. No dice.
Next week I am going to the CPW office.
I have only seen a few tags added to this leftover list today. It doesnt look like they did the big dump like last week. The 1st tags that I saw added were around 1120 or so
Struck out today as well tryin to get a tag for a buddy that I was able to snag last week there was only one this week tho, there were 4 last week when I got mine and both times I was in at exactly 11. Off to next week…
5 guys this week including myself trying for a few different tags. Nothing for anyone. From 10 minutes before til now still trying.