Colorado draw results 2024

Anyone know if someone surrenders their tag by the June 3rd deadline (money and points back), do those tags go into the secondary draw or next in line from the first draw?
I was confused by the point system, they don't give an option for a preference point if not drawn so is it assumed as a preference point if not drawn 1st choice?
Seems deer is coming out today? I haven’t seen anything on my end yet, assuming Elk is tomorrow? That’s the one I’m really in the game for this year. Cross my fingers
As expected, both kids drew ES archery deer. This will be their first time with bow tags. I’ll have a bear tag in hand, so should be fun.
Didn’t draw md on 7pts, 7 drew last year. So some point creep in that unit.
Tag allocations went to 75Res/25 NR for units requiring less than 5pp for a resident to draw. Thus making automatic point creep for all NR in all of those units. Units requiring 5pp for a RES stayed 80/20.

In addition to above, wolves have hit the ground so people with 10-20pp are going to get off the bench and begin participating.
Credit card just got hit for $803.39. Was not expecting to draw an elk permit in CO this year as non-resident 1 point. Already drew an elk permit in MT. Not showing in CO website yet but I guess if the charge hit it must be. Crazy year! Decisions, decisions now