College vs skilled trades.

Would have never made it in college, grade school disgusted me all I wanted to is be outside, went to trade school after working construction for about two years. Less than 9 months later and no debt started my apprenticeship to become a power linemen, made 50,000 first year now 7 years later I make well over 3 figures can work anywhere in country, and love my job. I do believe in the trades and we just had our first child and though I would never push something on him I will absolutely encourage a trade program when the time comes.

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If you love time a union firefighter. Next year I will have 25 vacation days that I can use one at a time. With the 24 on 48 off schedule, every single time I use a day it’s 5 days in a row off. I work one OT shift a month most months and clear $80k in a state with a very low cost of living. Please I can hunt ALOT.
Dems are pro union. Your paying dues to support your job, and that I turn supports your way of life. Your hobbies may be supported by a Republican. You can still enjoy both.
Democrats do NOT support unions anymore. They say they do and they trick union leaders into supporting them, but then they turn around and try to destroy every industry that employs union workers. Auto makers moving out of the country. Steel workers can’t compete with Chinese steel. They want to all but eliminate fossil fuel workers including coal and petroleum.
Democrats do NOT support unions anymore. They say they do and they trick union leaders into supporting them, but then they turn around and try to destroy every industry that employs union workers. Auto makers moving out of the country. Steel workers can’t compete with Chinese steel. They want to all but eliminate fossil fuel workers including coal and petroleum.
They definitely support more than the other side, and especially the IBEW!
If you love time a union firefighter. Next year I will have 25 vacation days that I can use one at a time. With the 24 on 48 off schedule, every single time I use a day it’s 5 days in a row off. I work one OT shift a month most months and clear $80k in a state with a very low cost of living. Please I can hunt ALOT.
That's insane
i dont think trades are overhyped at all, i wish i would have become a heavy duty mechanic sooner but i was to busy chasing quick money on the oil rigs, i have a very good job where i make close to 200K a year in the oil sands and work less than half the year (granted thats CAN so prob 35k usd haha). I think that high schools should push some kids less towards collage and university and more towards trades, tradesmen are in high demand and get paid well, not everyone needs a degree, i wasnt built to sit in a classroom.My schooling also cost a total of around 5g for 4 years. I know many friends and family that went to collage and university and couldn't get a job after or decided they wernt that interested. Another nice thing about my trade is i have my red seal and is recognized accross canada, i can leave my trade, red seal never goes bad and i can always fall back on it if needed.
Depends on the degree, the skilled trade, your work ethic and ambition, and where you live..

I knows guys that got Aerospace degrees that make close to $200k after ten years or so and others that are still around the $60k range. I work construction and know guys that have gone from working on a framing crew, to running their own framing crew, to becoming a full on GC and real estate developer making a half million a year.

I have a friend that got a masters in history, ended up working an admin job at a local college and was laid off with the covid lockdowns and is still jobless today.

No one working as an employee in a skilled trade is going to get rich, well unless you are an off shore oil rig diver, the idea is that you work that job and eventually go out on your own and become a business owner and then rake in the money if you know what you are doing.

Everything is what you make of it.
Education is great, But drive is what makes people successful! Just like hunting, those who go the extra mile separate from the rest. Education does not guarantee success. Neither does unfocused drive. But with both success seems to follow.
Been in the industrial electrical field for just over 20 years. With OT (some, but not a lot) I easily make $100k per year. Great benefits, 401k, pension, 4 weeks vacation. The best part is, when I hit the clock at the end of the day work is over. Time for family, friends, hunting, etc. My buddies with degrees and corporate careers seemed to be stressed out all the time and live their jobs 24-7. Bottom line do what makes you happy.

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That's insane
It definitely has its perks. I still end up being at work about 1000 hours more each year than a regular 40hr a week employee would. But at this point I couldn’t imagine going back to a regular Monday-Friday gig lol
I didn't read the full 14 pages, but I have all the answers, so feeling pretty good about myself right now.

-I have a good friend who's a lineman, just retired at 62, could have at 57, and is doing quite excellently. He had no interest in college and life worked out for him just fine.
-If you plan on working trades, strongly recommend doing so with the plan to own your own company. Two friends did that (electrician and plumber) and sold their companies in their mid 50s, made a ton of cash and writeoffs while doing so and now sell their time at a very high rate 2 or 3 days a week.
-Worthless college degrees are worthless. Yes, you'll hear the odd story of "I got a degree in social equity of gender fluid primates and I make $250,000....." but so rare and laughable.
-If you get a technical college degree, STRONGLY recommend getting an MS, it's worth the two extra years, sometimes only one. Makes a bid difference with tech companies. MBAs from minor institutions? Meh. An MS in your field, MBA from a great institution or in Organizational Development, Financial Engineering, etc, heck yes.

Plenty of paths through life, trades or college, no one best answer and you CAN switch mid stream, or even late stream and do very well.
"The data showed that the cost of attending college increased 146.59% at public universities and 156.67% at private universities from 1969 to 2018, after adjusting for inflation."

The cost of a degree is up. The quality of education has suffered as university have changed from teaching how-to-think to what-to-think.

With government funding came more useless degree programs.

A college education can be useful or a complete waste depending on the program and individual.

A liberal arts degree costs more now and is not nearly as valuable as it once was.

There is a dearth of skilled tradesmen which is likely to worsen in the next decade.
There seems to be a lot of hype around skilled trades lately. I think it's just that, hype. People will recommend learning a trade over getting a good college degree. I don't get it. Everyone and their mother claim these tradesmen are making 100k a year. A simple look at BLS average salaries says otherwise.

I'm not saying they're not needed. I'm just saying I think they have become overrated as career options lately.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: Now, obviously, if you get a worthless degree then a skilled trade would be way better.
College degrees are overrated for the most part in my opinion, and I have a degree in Chemical Engineering. Luckily I have experience in both.
I worked various trades for 10 years before getting a degree - general laborer, rudimentary electrical installation (mostly cable television), roofing, a few commercial fisheries. Since getting my degree, I work less and the work that I do is easier. I make enough money to do whatever I want. I got a bachelors of science in electrical engineering, and now I'm a transmission and distribution engineer for a power utility. Also, its awesome understanding how electricity works. I hated school though.
Democrats do NOT support unions anymore.
I think you are off base on the union part of your comment. Dont mix the Dem politicians hatred for successful businesses with that.

Dems under Obama handed over GM to the unions wiping out bondholders…thats never been done in US history.

The Dem admin gave billions to the Schools/Teachers-all a union that is very vocal about Dem support. Pretty flagrant quid pro quo Back scratching. Around here they have so much of that money left over they cant find legit ways to spend it….. and thats even After buying every single kid a laptop.

Just recently the Biden admin held an Electric Vehicle summit. Who did they invite? GM and Ford….no non union Tesla.

If you can get a job in a public worker union, its a super sweet gig. Too sweet.

A positive example of unions is in the Trades. They provide training, apprentice to journeyman and then will work with the construction companies As they realize its a symbiotic relationship.

Nothing wrong with a college education, but I sure wouldn't go deep into debt for it. A wise man (my father) once advised to always be able to make a living with your mind in case your body gives out. I got a BS Degree in Business Administration and worked in various management and professional positions for many years. Now
I own a business that does concrete coatings.
I did the college route, got a masters paid for on a grant, came out with no debt. Started working at the bottom in manufacturing (OSB). I see now that I should have either buckled down and done electrical engineering or just done trade school to be an industrial electrician. Those dudes can work anywhere. But it’s been good overall.
I did the college route, got a masters paid for on a grant, came out with no debt. Started working at the bottom in manufacturing (OSB). I see now that I should have either buckled down and done electrical engineering or just done trade school to be an industrial electrician. Those dudes can work anywhere. But it’s been good overall.
Nice! How tough is the math in electrical engineering?
College grad here. I won’t say it’s overrated if you get a degree in a useful field but many kids go through college without a plan or any ambition/goals. It’s pretty common when a graduate with debt enters the workforce and makes a good amount less than those who went to trade school. The major difference is that they’re usually relying on their mind versus their body to earn a living so there’s theoretically a longer career lifespan. Maybe a blend of the two is a good way to go; start off learning a trade and eventually transition into management/ownership to preserve your body. Working hard, having an overall plan/goal, and making smart career choices will play a bigger factor on your success rather than your choose of degree or trade.