Wanted to reply to this specifically.
A close friend, about a year ago, quit his 'big company' trades job and went into business for himself, one man operation. He's making money hand over fist and has more work that he can meet. I'm talking easy multiple 6 figures in a midwest metropolitan market. He doesn't even know (something he needs to mature as a business). In this time he's paid off his house, paid cash for an expensive (but used) vehicle for his wife, and has no debts. He has complete financial freedom and he's like 35. His wife stays at home to care for their kids and does help with the business, too.
Meanwhile, my wife and I both have good college degrees and MBA's and professional certifications that have enabled us to get good jobs. Our household income is like 3x our zip code's average. We live frugally and have done a good job saving and retirement is looking good.
However I would bet, even with his late start, my buddy is able to surpass our financial position by the time he's 40, 45, all the while with more flexibility and freedom than we have. I don't think his path is for everybody. It will only work for hustlers, folks who bust ass and work hard. But for those folks, I think it's almost a certainty working for yourself is worlds better than working for 'the man.'