So my son is at this stage right now. Some background, he's currently 17, a junior, an Eagle Scout, all AP classes since freshman year and just slayed AP Calc, hunts everything possible here outside LA/OC and Az, and a decent fly fisherman, is a upper level wrestler/BJJ player in SoCal, plays club LAX, and club water polo and is a descent waterman (surfing/freediving).
He had chosen to go to MSU Bozeman like a year ago. Some considerations: he can start at Gallatin CC @ MSU, we have family friends in Bozeman, he can dorm after he's a resident his soph year, he's taking a outfitters course this summer in MT, we have outfitter friends in Bozeman so he can work on the weekends and all summer after his freshman year, he can store up to 5 guns on campus, students are considered residents for hunting and fishing licenses, he can snowboard near school, plenty of trout rivers and hunting near school, he can park my Helio Courier in a friends hanger, the school has majors he likes and this place is call Trout U. The big sell was we stopped by 2 years ago and were taken on a campus tour and he was sold.
Even with half of those I think he would go. As crazy as this is going to sound he wanted something different. He's hapa and he wanted to go where there wasnt other asian or hapa kids. He wants the anti-LA. And his second choice... U-H Hilo because we have a house above a little point break. Go figure.