Cold Bow 2025.... QnA Thread

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
The 2025 Cold Bow Challenge will start Saturday, May 10th AT 8:15 AM MTN TIME on the Challenge Thread Here.

(You’re currently on the QnA thread)

Hit the "Watch" button upper right on both threads to receive the notification when someone posts.

and get your bow ready

For 2025, it's again 3-arrow, broadhead-only challange (expandables counted as broadheads)

I'll be updating prizes on the Challenge Thread over the next few weeks, but let's just say we're not gonna let the Cold Bore Challenge rifle crowd win the only Swarovski Spotter this year...just sayin,

Rokslide logo.png

@realunlucky @fngTony @Howard Mee @mtnwrunner @Glendon Mullins @Justin Crossley @William Hanson (live2hunt) @Team4LongGun @Ryan Avery, @Maidenfan539 @Brock A
Thanks Robby! Putting my new string and cables on the past couple of nights. Snow melted enough to see my target. Time to get shooting
I've been waiting for this thread!! I just shot my bow for the first time this year last weekend. I put some new fletching on the arrows and need to dial it in a little but will be good to go by then.
One new thing I learned this winter when trying to keep my muscles somewhat in shape, a bow trainer with bands is great for my R shoulder pulling back but the L arm holding the rod didn't get the workout needed. The rod weighs less than a lb but bow definitely is more. First time I shot my bow and my L arm felt dead after about 15 shots with just the few more lbs of weight. I need to add some weight to the bow trainer rod going forward!
2016 Elite Synergy, replaced hogwire strings with Catfish Customs. Didn’t have to put a single twist in a string or cable and all specs were right on. That is not the norm when I change strings on any bow.
Awrsome to hear it was right on the firat time. Elite synergy was one of the first compounds I ever shot at a pro shop. I absolutely fell in love with how it felt and how smooth the shot was. I knew I wanted the bow but by the time I pulled the trigger on one the Energy 35 had come out and grabbed one of those instead. I think about upgrading here and there but since mine shoots better than I can I don't feel the need to change. Have you shot any of the new line of Elites?
Oh man, I may try this although I haven't been shooting my bow very much in the last few years. This will be a good reason to do so.

Does this mean no cold bore challenge for the powder burners?
Never done the cold bow, just the cold bore. I assume its similar? Choose your MER and take one shot a day for a couple days? 10 inch circle? Qualifier shots for longer ranges=more points?
Oh man, I may try this although I haven't been shooting my bow very much in the last few years. This will be a good reason to do so.

Does this mean no cold bore challenge for the powder burners?
We are doing the Cold Bore Challenge this year. I'll get the discussion thread started soon.
I'm glad it's in May. I tried drawing my bow for the first time since carpal tunnel surgery a couple months ago. It hurt like hell, but I got it back. Won't be putting in much range time for another month or so.

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I'm glad it's in May. I tried drawing my bow for the first time since carpal tunnel surgery a couple months ago. It hurt like hell, but I got it back. Won't be putting in much range time for another month or so.

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I bet that did tickle a little bit! Way to get after it but just make sure to not overdo it! Good luck in your recovery