Cocaine Bear

Anybody remember the 1976 movie called "Grizzly" about a monster sized Grizz that starts killing people.

that movie was good for a few nightmares for a nine-year-old that saw it on the big screen. Speaking for a friend of course . I…I mean he had repetitive nightmares of a brown bear chasing him.
The sequel "meth mountain lions" sounds pretty good. Just imagine, a huge meth operation in norcal goes tits up. All the meth pours into a stream in an area densely populated with cats. The first one discovers it on accident, kills 60 deer in one day, then others start to realize itll make them super cats. Next thing you know, theyre murdering everyone. All the weed farms are empty, they migrate to the bay area, where everyone has meth, (or addreral) so the cats have an endless supply. They clean up the whole state, until they reach los angeles, and eat the homeless people who are laced with fentanyl. All thats left is San Diego.

Sadly the meth lions have no teeth…

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