CO tag release date??

NR here - logged in for 2nd time today - just received my elk point.

Nothing regarding deer yet - no cc, no charge, no change online.
Both my dad and my buddy show nothing for deer yet, not a new point or a lack of points. Anyone else see something similar?
Just realized the CC they had on file was one that I lost and canceled. Just updated the information to my new one. I am assuming that this won't affect whether or not I drew a tag, but I will have to wait for an email or website update to know. Am I correct about this?
In the same boat. Updated a few days ago...
I just got a charge on my bank account but website hasn’t shown my results yet. A buddy of mine already has confirmation on cpw website.
Just got notified not awarded for deer and got an elk point. Time to crash the Idaho server 😂
Breaking news! Just drew my fourth choice third season doe tag! Stoked be hunting deer in CO

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NR deer hit my CC this morning - no other notification . My first time on this and I could be missing something. Only applied for deer.
Just FYI.... I was charged for a non-res deer tag yesterday evening and my account is now showing an active license. My points are still there and I haven't gotten any email notifications yet, but I'm sure it will all work out eventually.
Svelti, the shit show is not cp&w. The real shit show is people panicking on every forum, people driving to the cpw offices asking for answers that a secretary wouldn't know, people calling them non stop. It is posted in the regs, they have until the 7th to post results. Everyone needs to relax.
deer showing accepted, but points haven't changed. Elk still pending but the preference point added to total, No e mail notification or charge on card.
my odds were in my favor. I thought anyways.

It will be interesting to see when the odds come out.

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