CO Draw Results - Nervously Awaiting

Where is this info? I’m looking as we speak so maybe I’ll find it but I don’t spend a ton of time on their website. Thanks!
Where is this info? I’m looking as we speak so maybe I’ll find it but I don’t spend a ton of time on their website. Thanks!
No bull, no bear, no buck

I really HATE the way CPW allows everyone in for $7
At least before the minor cost to apply limited the number of applications
Now it's just chaos
I'll put in for WY antelope does I guess

Friggin CO

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Still cost us $100 to apply and you can still hunt mule deer in Wyoming. Draw hasn't closed.
Damn that's satisfying knowing that I did not waste my groups points...! The NR in our group needed all his to draw, the R's only wasted a point. Considering we drew last year's 4th season dates (3rd season 2021) for 7 points less than what the 4th season was going for, I feel like we stole it! Point creep on this unit was officially 2 for 3rd season.
Damn that's satisfying knowing that I did not waste my groups points...! The NR in our group needed all his to draw, the R's only wasted a point. Considering we drew last year's 4th season dates (3rd season 2021) for 7 points less than what the 4th season was going for, I feel like we stole it! Point creep on this unit was officially 2 for 3rd season.
did they post the post-draw statistics, or I suppose you're just going from what you know about the points you and your crew put in with???
I'm a Non Resident Landowner and pulled a 3rd Rifle Deer but got a PP for Goats (pulled a doe on 2nd choice). Fingers crossed on Wyoming..........