Darren Best
I think the guy who summed it up best is the man that everyone loves to hate Ron Paul. He warned about this overreach in 1997:
Ron Paul Redux: Warns Against Arming Land Management Officials In 1997
Speaking on the House of Representatives floor on September 17, 1997, then-Rep. Ron Paul warned of the “massive buildup of a virtual army of armed regulators.” We saw the United States government’s armed agents in action recently at the Bundy ranch in Nevada. We also saw them back off, at least for now, when confronted by armed protestors. Paul’s concluding sentences of his 1997 speech seem apropos: "The gun in the hands of law-abiding citizens serves to hold in check arrogant and aggressive government. Guns in the hands of the bureaucrats do the opposite. The founders of this country fully understood this fact."
If you want to see the entire speech in full you can see it here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ozZN8n9psY