Chris Brackett

I've never heard of him before this but I don't watch the outdoor channel. Why is the video so crappy?
Video is crappy due to Facebook quality for upload. There is a good quality video of this floating around, makes me sick.

I have seen some real good shows and video on YouTube lately, don't even bother with Outdoor Channel.
I like Waddell, never could get into the Brackett stuff though.

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No problems with Waddell at all he is a stand up American. But Brackett, didnt surprise me in the least the guy just had douche bag written all over him from the first time i saw him on tv.
I never really liked his attitude but I stopped watching the outdoor channel as soon as they aired the episode of him shooting at a pheasant, missing it and then throwing his entire bow at the bird to kill it.
I'm in agreement there are some shows that are absolute garbage on the Outdoor Channel but there are some quality shows with quality people that actually use there stardom to fight for our rights to hunt and land access so I will support their shows and ignore the rest.
And nobodies gonna mention the video of him cussing and chewing out the cameraman. Pretty stout language for someone who is supposedly a preacher.

Chris Brackett - YouTube

It's my understanding that the land owner that let him hunt, told him not to shoot the small 8 pointer. It was only a 3 year old and he wanted to see it grow. That's the first deer Brackett shot. Then a larger buck showed up and he shot it as well, after telling the cameraman to stop filming. I'm glad the cameraman kept filming.

Just my 2 cents and worth the price charged.
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If everyone would quit watching all the outdoor shows the companies would quit pouring money down the rat holes.

Or stop supporting the sponsors of the shows, that would bring an end to the garbage being produced quicker then not watching the shows.
Did you guys ever see the picture of the ticket that Lee Lakosky received last hunting season for poaching a 160" buck. He shot the buck without a tag then sent his mother in law to town to buy the license. She bought the tag 18 minutes after hunting hours ended for that day but they registered the buck for that day anyway and that threw the red flag. The whole hunting industry swept it under the rug like it never happened. He received a $100 fine and got to keep the deer.



  • lee's ticket (700 x 933).jpg
    lee's ticket (700 x 933).jpg
    97.6 KB · Views: 152
Did you guys ever see the picture of the ticket that Lee Lakosky received last hunting season for poaching a 160" buck. He shot the buck without a tag then sent his mother in law to town to buy the license. She bought the tag 18 minutes after hunting hours ended for that day but they registered the buck for that day anyway and that threw the red flag. The whole hunting industry swept it under the rug like it never happened. He received a $100 fine and got to keep the deer.

There was alot of rumblings about it last winter.... I'm not sure how much of what you said above was correct and how much is pure speculation/rumor. This came out shortly after the ticket was paid.

Lee Lakosky Pleads Guilty to Hunting Citation

Based on the small fine, the fact that IDNR didn't release a news statement, etc... it sounds like they owned it, made a mistake and paid their fine. Personally I could care less about the lives of these hunting celeb's but if his side of the story is true and he had the right tags, and accidently tagged it wrong then a 200$ fine seems like the appropriate ramification. I certainly wouldn't expect him to rot in jail if he made the mistake he claims he did, not the internet.

I don't know or have ever met the Lakosky's or Chris Brackett... Don't really care if I ever do... But at face value comparing the two incidents seems like apples to oranges
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There was alot of rumblings about it last winter.... I'm not sure how much of what you said above was correct and how much is pure speculation/rumor. This came out shortly after the ticket was paid.

Lee Lakosky Pleads Guilty to Hunting Citation

Based on the small fine, the fact that IDNR didn't release a news statement, etc... it sounds like they owned it, made a mistake and paid their fine. Personally I could care less about the lives of these hunting celeb's but if his side of the story is true and he had the right tags, and accidently tagged it wrong then a 200$ fine seems like the appropriate ramification. I certainly wouldn't expect him to rot in jail if he made the mistake he claims he did, not the internet.

I don't know or have ever met the Lakosky's or Chris Brackett... Don't really care if I ever do... But at face value comparing the two incidents seems like apples to oranges

My friend took the picture of the ticket at the Van Buren county court house. It says on the ticket "purchase tag after harvest". Lee's on line apology was a lie, it was not a ticket mistake. What I said above is the truth. Dan Henderson was the officer that issued the ticket. When Dan went to Lee's house to confiscate the deer and his gun, Lee threw such a fit of profanity that the Iowa DNR stood down. Lee has set the new precedent for poaching fines in Iowa, poaching a big buck in Iowa is now a $100 fine. My version of the events came from the issuing officer.

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My friend took the picture of the ticket at the Van Buren county court house. It says on the ticket "purchase tag after harvest". Lee's on line apology was a lie, it was not a ticket mistake. What I said above is the truth. Dan Henderson was the officer that issued the ticket. When Dan went to Lee's house to confiscate the deer and his gun, Lee threw such a fit that the Iowa DNR stood down. Lee has set the new precedent for poaching fines in Iowa, poaching a big buck in Iowa is now a $100 fine. My version of the events came from the issuing officer.


Pretty hard to dispute the actual ticket. I've never been a fan of Lee and Tiffany.
I have a written explanation from then Iowa DNR Chief of Law Enforcement Mark Sedlmayer but it is in a form that would be hard to post and read here. In a nutshell it says that Lee received a ticket for poaching and 2 points and the $100 fine is the stipulation of the weak Iowa laws against poaching.

Whats more Iowa Senator Mark Shelgren who has oversight of the DNR is meeting with the DNR today to find out what this $100 fine crap is all about and whether or not the DNR was involved in a cover up.

Lee also lost his access to Celebrity and Governors tags in the State of Iowa and I got that piece of information from the top.
