Chris Brackett

My friend took the picture of the ticket at the Van Buren county court house. It says on the ticket "purchase tag after harvest". Lee's on line apology was a lie, it was not a ticket mistake. What I said above is the truth. Dan Henderson was the officer that issued the ticket. When Dan went to Lee's house to confiscate the deer and his gun, Lee threw such a fit of profanity that the Iowa DNR stood down. Lee has set the new precedent for poaching fines in Iowa, poaching a big buck in Iowa is now a $100 fine. My version of the events came from the issuing officer.


Personally I don't care.... this really doesn't have anything to do with the original post, but I have been around long enough to know that everyone knows somebody that knows somebody.

The facts that everyone can see is that he made a mistake, received a fine and paid it. The infraction was petty enough for the IDNR to not even bring out a news release, despite it being (possibly) the biggest whitetail hunting celebrity in the world. One thing I do know well is that IDNR does not take poaching, especially trophy deer (which 160" would be), lightly. This infraction, however, was as they said, a pretty run-of-the-mill ticket with appropriate fines.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I could care less. I have more interest in my own and loved one's lives, and don't have time to "keep up with the karsahins" of the deer woods but I have also heard enough rumors about all these guys dating back to Chuck Adams to realize not everything on the internet is true.
Personally I don't care.... this really doesn't have anything to do with the original post, but I have been around long enough to know that everyone knows somebody that knows somebody.

The facts that everyone can see is that he made a mistake, received a fine and paid it. The infraction was petty enough for the IDNR to not even bring out a news release, despite it being (possibly) the biggest whitetail hunting celebrity in the world. One thing I do know well is that IDNR does not take poaching, especially trophy deer (which 160" would be), lightly. This infraction, however, was as they said, a pretty run-of-the-mill ticket with appropriate fines.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I could care less. I have more interest in my own and loved one's lives, and don't have time to "keep up with the karsahins" of the deer woods but I have also heard enough rumors about all these guys dating back to Chuck Adams to realize not everything on the internet is true.

Good post there but you've got to realize that the world we live in is a lot different than the old days when you paid your fine and went on with your life. In this day and age we all sit areound with our halos and wings on waiting for the next guy to screw up then tear them to pieces to let them know just how perfect we are. Don't believe me ??? Just watch the news and see how the demos and repubs do it they are masters at it.
I have no idea who Chris Brackett is other than this post. I wasn't going to post to this thread, however I think some here are missing a big point. The guy is making a living off of hunting. As such, he is an ambassador of hunting, an official representative of the hunting community, you and I. What I´ve seen from this thread, is that Chris Brackett has no morals, values, ethics, integrity, not respect for the wildlife he has been making a living off of. He represents all of us, and he sullies our image, tramples on hunter ethics... As an ambassador of hunting, he should be held to a higher standard than the common hunter. As an ambassador of hunting, the penalty should also be higher, because his actions not only hurt the animals-wildlife he has poached, it hurts hunters, and the hunting image.
Personally I don't care.... this really doesn't have anything to do with the original post, but I have been around long enough to know that everyone knows somebody that knows somebody.

The facts that everyone can see is that he made a mistake, received a fine and paid it. The infraction was petty enough for the IDNR to not even bring out a news release, despite it being (possibly) the biggest whitetail hunting celebrity in the world. One thing I do know well is that IDNR does not take poaching, especially trophy deer (which 160" would be), lightly. This infraction, however, was as they said, a pretty run-of-the-mill ticket with appropriate fines.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I could care less. I have more interest in my own and loved one's lives, and don't have time to "keep up with the karsahins" of the deer woods but I have also heard enough rumors about all these guys dating back to Chuck Adams to realize not everything on the internet is true.

Please don't pretend to know what is going on in Keosauqua, you clearly don't. What I posted above is a citation for poaching not internet rumor or lies. Contact the Van Buren county court house in Keosauqua and obtain a copy of the poaching citation through the freedom of information act and see for yourself. Anyone that thinks killing a buck without a license is an honest mistake, is wrong, it is poaching and everyone should be held to the same standard.

I have a written explanation from then Iowa DNR Chief of Law Enforcement Mark Sedlmayer but it is in a form that would be hard to post and read here. In a nutshell it says that Lee received a ticket for poaching and 2 points and the $100 fine is the stipulation of the weak Iowa laws against poaching.

Whats more Iowa Senator Mark Shelgren who has oversight of the DNR is meeting with the DNR today to find out what this $100 fine crap is all about and whether or not the DNR was involved in a cover up.

Lee also lost his access to Celebrity and Governors tags in the State of Iowa and I got that piece of information from the top.


What possibly could be hard to read and understand? Please post it. It sounded plausible until you said a cop backed down from getting cussed at and then you posted this. None of that sounds right.
I've never cared for the way Chris comes across, wish they would be done with him...would like to hear more about Lee, theses guy's need to be held responsible for their actions. Think some of these guys believe they are above the law, but we need to make them pay to the fullest extent. Any sponsor with any morale compass would drop these guys, unfortunately it's all about the $.