Charter fishing - tip

Where I salt charter in BC a half day charter is already 850. I definetly don't expect a couple out for a yearly fishing adventure to tip, especially if it would make that day to costly to enjoy.
Tips are obviously appreciated but $50 to $100 is more than generous.
The times I usually get nice big tips are when I take a group of 4+ when it's a birthday or Batchelor party and everyone's drinking and having fun, 20 to 50 each is common for those days and can really add up when I've got 6 guests
I went on a trip with me, my wife and two kids (13 & 11). Was told by the Capt, $1,800 for the 6 hour trip. Got ready to leave and had given the deck hand $175 and the Capt called me from the pier. I walked back over and he said, 'I expect at least a 20% tip or don't ever call back. I said, 'ok' and kept walking. If that is the case, it needs to be discussed up front when booking. Saw a comment earlier, If you can't afford to tip, you cant afford the, cracks me up. I thought guides were doing this 'because we love it'. I have been on several fishing trips and hunting trips, have never had a single complaint about tipping, so this was very surprising. We don't carry on, get drunk and always very respectful of gear, boat, deck hand and have been told to 'come back' every time but this one. Seemed the Capt had a chip on his shoulder. Soured me for sure. Just my .02, discuss expectations up front.