Certainly worth a gander.....but don't delete it just because you don't believe it.

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Mar 22, 2014
Tullahoma, TN
Absolutely agree, however that doesn't make it true or not true. One must believe, that's why it religion. I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe the Bible books are stories, and not written to be interpreted literary. I believe in Jesus that he died on the cross for our sins, and if I believe this my sins will be forgiven and I will go to heaven. This is my belief and it is impossible to prove or deny. Why do people feel the need to try and prove religious beliefs? Science is different (physics, math, chemistry, biology science) it's based on the pursuit and understanding of the natural world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. I'm a Christian and seek my pastor for faith issues and my physician for medical ones. If I seek medical questions from my pastor the first thing he tells me is he's not a physician. We do pray for medical healing because I believe it's connected and can help. Medicine is science, my belief in Jesus is a religious. I do both. When people push to try and prove Religion as science I call them very misguided at best and charlatans at worst. Your mileage may differ......

I physically cannot Like this post enough times.
Feb 2, 2020
Well I'll apologize for the jokes I made. I try to respect all peoples' beliefs, whether that's a 6000year earth, believing you're the opposite gender, or whatever. We'll agree to disagree ;)


Aug 31, 2019
Nearly the same exact argument goes both ways. Just change “supernatural” to “natural but prehistoric”. Instead of actually searching you choose the “a wizard did it” explanation.
The problem is this evolution is still in the theory stage and many many things from the Bible have been corroborated from multiple pieces.
Feb 12, 2022
The only god that has an origin is the ones man makes. Buddha, Ra, Diana and etc. shoot even in the biblical account it speaks of silver and gold smiths making idols or little g gods of this world. God was before time. The Bible even list five things he was doing before creation. I can’t remember them all
Off the top of my head but creating angels and having fellowship with the son. I’d have to go through my notes to find the other three
So God was busy creating before he started creating...

Makes perfect sense.
Dec 23, 2021
Which begs the question....If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?
If dogs came from wolves why are there still wolves? If labradoodles came from labradors why are there still Poodles? That one keeps me up… Why the hell are there poodles? Come on extinction, do us a solid for once!

Your question flies in the face of any Noah “in kind” argument. We didn’t evolve from the apes we know today.


Aug 31, 2019
Absolutely agree, however that doesn't make it true or not true. One must believe, that's why it's called religion. I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe the Bible books are stories, and defi not written to be taken literary for the most part, especially creation!!! I believe in Jesus, that he died on the cross for our sins, and if I believe this my sins will be forgiven and I will go to heaven. This is my belief and it is impossible to prove or deny. Why do people feel the need to try and prove religious beliefs? Science is different (physics, math, chemistry, biology science) it's based on the pursuit and understanding of the natural world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. I'm a Christian and seek my pastor for faith issues and my physician for medical ones. If I seek medical questions from my pastor the first thing he tells me is he's not a physician. We do pray for medical healing because I believe it's connected and can help, especially the emotional part of feeling better. Medicine is science, my belief in Jesus is religious. I do both. When people push to try and prove Religion as science I call them very misguided at best and charlatans at worst. Your mileage may differ......
I can not fully get on board. Belief in Jesus is not a religion. Buddhism is a religion. Islam is a religion. Jesus is a relationship not standardized by denomination.
Feb 15, 2019
Being a biologist and a scientist, it has always struck me that science and atheists have always tried to "replicate" the generation of spontaneous life. Meaning, they take known life, see how it works, and try to replicate that process. Once they are successful (they haven't been yet) they will say "See, we just demonstrated the spontaneous formation of life, and have shown a God is not needed, therefore God doesn't exist"

When in fact all they have done is repeated what once happened (according to them).

This is akin to someone finding a watch, taking the watch apart to see what it is made of, how it works, etc, and after re-creating that watch, then saying "We just proved how a watch can be made, therefore we don't need to credit the watch maker that made the found watch, because we figured out how a watch is made"

Isn't this kind of backwards?


Aug 31, 2019
Just no on both parts.
Islam threatens you with your neck, Christianity threatens us with eternal damnation.

Christians have no business trying to take the moral high ground in any discussion.
It’s not a threat. It’s a choice for the individual to make. Hell was not made for man. It was made for the devil and his angels the 1/3 that fell with Lucifer. By free will. Salvation was made necessary by the fall of man in the garden. So we have a way out of the a place not made for us. The cross of salvation was needed
Dec 23, 2021
You can not use infinite time and space. Even the theory of evolution has a beginning. Well kinda the exaggeration of time grows as they need it too.
So, you get to use infinity as in “god always was and always will be”? Apply your made up rules to your whimsical notions.

I’ll apply my rules to mine.
The Big Bang is not the one theoretical beginning and the theory of our current evolutionary state is only one beginning amongst an infinite number.

My dog can beat up your god.


Aug 31, 2019
Religion isn't supposed to make sense. It's a belief. People trying to prove it and make sense of it are doing it wrong.
Believe you have to blow someone up to get 72 virgins is a belief. Knowing you belong to God is much different. Facts will always be demanded.
Feb 15, 2019
Islam threatens you with your neck, Christianity threatens us with eternal damnation.

Christians have no business trying to take the moral high ground in any discussion.
Christianity does not threaten anyone with anything. The offer for eternal life is given, but there is no threat. Without Jesus, we are all subject to God's judgement. We all sin, we all fall short. The judgement for our sin is death. nothing more nothing less. But to be alive in eternity with God, we have to repudiate our sin and allow Jesus blood to act as our sacrifice to cleanse our selves from God's judgement, with that, God says we are clean and can spend an eternity with Him. It is a gift, freely given, but it is not a threat.

Worst case if you don't accept Jesus' sacrificial blood: death. But guess what? we are all gonna die anyway. So there is no threat.
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