I also read it was a crossbow and was tracked wounded for forty hours. 40 hours of tracking sounds like they were totally dedicated to ethically recovering the lion.
* it was bear season
* he had a tag
* he checked it in.
The real tragedy here is that it takes a named lion from a preserve to get anyone in America to care about Africa's wildlife. Rhino's, elephants and gorillas all being poached to extinction, but no one in America really cares or takes notice. One named Lion, killed under questionable circumstances, and the internet blows up!!!
I don't get it and it makes me sad. The real tragedy happening in Africa is being lost.
Yes. If you have a tag for an area and you kill an animal in another area it is poaching. If you are hunting an area closed to hunting it is also poaching.
Was he hunting where the outfitter placed him? Did he know he was breaking the law?
Whether or not one knows they are breaking a law does not determine if they face the consequences of breaking the law.
I agree but I also would not lable them a poacher.
I dont consider everyone cited for a game violation a poacher.
Ive yet to see any evidence that the hunter did anything illegal.
You dont pay $55g to poach a cat.
The paperwork to get the cat out of Africa and back in the US is a challenge all its own.
The bear hunt, my understanding is that too was with an outfitter and they had a group hunting where they were not suppose to be. The group decided not to be truthful when checking the bears on. (This included Palmer) he was questioned and lied. He was charged and paid his fine.
* it was bear season
* he had a tag
* he checked it in.
Ted Nugent has also had issues with bears.. Poacher?
A big eye opener here is he has not been charged. The Outfitter and PH are fully responsible for their clients.. You have to trust your outfitter and he was given the greenlight to shoot the lion.
This has been blown way out of proportion just like the confederate flag. This is the media creating news.
Ehh, depends. Illegal take of a game animal... That's pretty much the definition of a poacher.
Rodney I'm pretty suprised by your comments in this thread, this is his THIRD game violation incident. He LIED about the bear, so he new what he did was wrong and tried to cover it up.
Game laws are not rocket science, choosing to blindly believe your outfitter is a stupid and lazy way to be a hunter. Grab a book and read it, pretty easy. When I hunted in Alaska I new everything about what I was doing to make sure I didn't wind up getting pinched for something. It's YOUR responsibility.
Nugent... Seriously?? The guy is a scum bag and has had numerous run ins with fish and game in numerous states. He's a poacher with a big mouth and not a lot of brains...
I agree it's blown out of proportion but what do you expect,this is what antis live for.
FYI- The pic cited above with the bow is not Cecil- This was a pic from a previous trip with a different Lion which looks like was taken with a bow. I also have heard it was a crossbow this time but obviously cannot be sure.
Interesting discussion we have going here- lots of questions remain unanswered which does not allow me to make a decision as to how I feel about this guys hunting practices. For me I do agree paying a shit ton of cash to have a guide drive you to your mark is not my idea of how things should be done, but to each his own as long as playing by the rules- which in Africa seems pretty tough to do or know how to do.