Brandon Pattison
Anybody else uncontrollably crying?
It's a sad day in 'Merica, land of the free and home of the offended, when the protest of a lion hunted and killed legally gets more minutes on the national news than a story about the largest racketeering and corruption case ever against a member of congress....that is all I'm gonna say. This country is deteriorating faster than imaginable.
I believe the lion was killed illegally. The landowner and/or guide (I dont remember which) was said not to have had a permit to take the lion. I may be wrong. However, I agree with the misplacement of the media attention.
I think it's still up in the air if it was legal or not. The hunter said he had a permit. Who knows he's already guilty in the eyes of everyone in the media.
You go to a corrupt third world chithole to hunt you are talking big risks. There is more underlining this story than we are being told I'm sure. Heck , even in this country you are not safe from highway robbers wearing badges so what do think can happen in Zimbabwe ?
He is a through and through trophy hunter and already proved he is willing to skirt the rules with his previous bear conviction....
Not a true hunter in my mind but it is scary how things can spiral out of control on social media and the news
OTOH, killing a big lion like that with a bow is pretty bad ass.