Carrying a rifle barrel up or down?


Dec 5, 2016
South Central Arizona
I did a search and didn't turn anything up on this topic. I see photos of people using gun bearers on packs that carry the rifle barrel up. And then there are scabbards, like Eberlestock, that carry the rifle barrel down.

Have any of you tried both ways, and what are the pros and cons?

When carrying a rifle barrel up, do you do anything to keep debris out? I saw an instructional video from Gunwerks that recommended putting a piece of masking tape over the end, saying that it does not have any effect when taking a shot.

Please share your firsthand experience.

Electrical tape (the good/sticky stuff) is over all my barrels when hunting and I also put some twists around the barrel just in front of the forestock so I have a supply to replace the piece on my barrel when I take a shot. This keeps debris and also rain/snow out of the bore.

Position of carry is a personal preference, just make sure its a safe one. I pretty much usually have mine barrel up.
Electrical tape (the good/sticky stuff) is over all my barrels when hunting and I also put some twists around the barrel just in front of the forestock so I have a supply to replace the piece on my barrel when I take a shot. This keeps debris and also rain/snow out of the bore.

I use the eberlestock scabbard, I have the bigger of the two options. I like it personally as it offers good protection and you can attach it to any kifaru pack that has Molle webbing. If hunting, I just carry the rifle in my hands.
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I like to use the scabbard in my j34, and it packs and fits my heavy rifle. I just carry the rifle when packing meat though, because it does push the load out some besides adding 13 lbs to my pack.
Barrel up as Luke pictured and on my shoulder too. Hard to shoot if my rifles is in my pack. I use tape if in very inclement weather or in wet/slippery terrain that could plug my barrel "IF" a mis-step happened. (Always have a roll of electrical tape in my pack for what might happen.)
I go barrel up as well, but I use finger condoms. Cheap, effective and no adhesive residue.

Ditto here, finger condoms. The gun barrel down in a pack is good in a military use for someone who might be carrying a heavier weapons system like a Mk13, but doesn't need it while on the move. Those cases it makes sense to have it centered and protected and they will likely be carrying another primary like their M4.
Edited my post. I use the eberlestock when traveling during non hunting hours/moments. When hunting, I like to carry my rifle in my hands.
Edited my post. I use the eberlestock when traveling during non hunting hours/moments. When hunting, I like to carry my rifle in my hands.

Yes...I should have clarified, I am primarily referring to traveling mode (pack-in, moving camp, pack-out). In hunting mode I generally carry in my hands as well.
I tried the Eberlestock Gunslinger and didn't like it as the barrel would hit my calves when stepping over logs. I'm now using the Kifaru gun bearer or sling my rifle in the for lack of a better term, "low ready".

I also tape my barrels with electrical tape.

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I haven't ever really had electrical tape on for the duration of fall hunting leave residue but one wipe of solvent would address it if so for the record. But run what works for ya obviously. :)

I have run the same piece of electrical tape around the barrel of my rifle (not the muzzle that usually gets shot off several times hunting thoughout the year) and yeah it leaves a but of residue but like mentioned above a bit of solvent and a wipe or two and it's all gone.
"Finger condoms"...I like that.

The thought of cutting the finger off of a nitrile glove occurred to me a while back, but I have not had the opportunity to try it yet. And when you have used five of them, you can field process your elk Michael Jackson style.