Carnivore Diet


Oct 2, 2016
Reading through this thread, I see a lot of guys saying carnivore helped with inflammation/Joint pain etc. I have gout. I have it under control and down to one flare up a year in the spring. Looks like I will have to live with that one. I don't take medication, just gave up beer and shellfish and that took care of most of it for me. Redmeat/venison is generally listed as a common trigger for people with gout (never seemed to be one for me). Has anyone else with gout seen increased flare ups while doing carnivore?
Jun 15, 2017
San Antonio
Most of those electrolyte powders are just sodium and potassium. If you add more fish, especially fatty fish, into your diet you'll up the potassium and magnesium intake considerably. As for the sodium, I probably get way too much of that with just about any meat I'm eating because I load it up with salts.


Jan 8, 2020
Fruitland Idaho
Second go around. First time was about 5 years ago and lasted only a month. This time I am committed to at least 100 days. 42 years old, 6’, starting weight was 274. Two and a half weeks in and am down to 255 and feel better than I have in years.

Anybody else try or on carnivore? Anybody interested and want to know what to do and/or expect feel free to DM or reply. I have done extensive research and will answer the best to my ability. I will post pics after 100 days.
Any negative affects you are having?


Apr 7, 2014
Belle Plaine, IA
So I got my test results back. Perfect 0 on the Calcium Score of all arteries tested. The ultrasound in the neck to look for potential of stroke appears very good also. Double the bacon please, with some red meat and eggs on the side.
On a serious note, for the cost, time it takes, and my family history, I will probably continue to have these tests done annually.
From December 8 till today I am down 40 lbs.
Hopefully more active summer can get me down another 5 + lbs. Also need to tone up some.
This is interesting as my total cholesterol is up but my triglycerides are low, and the Dr wants me on statins. I sure don't want to be on statins but don't want a stroke or heart attack either. I'm down 45 lbs to 185, blood pressure down to 104/64 avg, heart rate is 70 , feel great, and was called a DILF at age 50 LOL 😆.


Jan 12, 2019
This is interesting as my total cholesterol is up but my triglycerides are low, and the Dr wants me on statins. I sure don't want to be on statins but don't want a stroke or heart attack either. I'm down 45 lbs to 185, blood pressure down to 104/64 avg, heart rate is 70 , feel great, and was called a DILF at age 50 LOL 😆.
More and more info coming out that cholesterol isn't (and never was a problem) for most. Our bodies need cholesterol for cellular health and hormone production.
Aug 19, 2022
Second go around. First time was about 5 years ago and lasted only a month. This time I am committed to at least 100 days. 42 years old, 6’, starting weight was 274. Two and a half weeks in and am down to 255 and feel better than I have in years.

Anybody else try or on carnivore? Anybody interested and want to know what to do and/or expect feel free to DM or reply. I have done extensive research and will answer the best to my ability. I will post pics after 100 days.

Just be sure to avoid charred (carbonized) meat.

Indigestible plant fiber, like cabbage, feeds gut bacteria in the lower GI that produce lactic acid, which, in turn, breaks down carcinogens like meat char.

So to be healthy, one needs the other.



Jun 9, 2024
New to the Forum read through this really quick. Former amateur strongman got up to 310lbs was pretty strong but was extremely uncomfortable and felt like shit and in constant pain. I've maintained a Carnivore diet for close to 6 years. I have an occasional cheat meal birthday, anniversary and Thanksgiving(my favorite holiday). I occasionally drink bourbon every other Saturday. Absolutely love this way of eating and food has no control over me any longer. I got down to my lowest weight of 225lbs, I float around 235-240lbs now and feel awesome. No more inflammation no more brain fog I eat one big meal a day with a snack after work on my off days I eat one big meal usually around 2 pounds. I'm off my thyroid meds and TRT, only meds I take are krill oil, vitamin d.

I did start to lose interest and thought about going back to a SAD after 2 doctors tried to put me on cholesterol meds due to "high cholesterol." I had some good friends ask me about the diet and felt motivated again. Also both doctors refused to get me in for a Coronary Artery Calcium Scan so one of my friends that started doing Carnivore is also a doctor so he got me in for a CAC scan. I had to pay $150 out of pocket but the test was well worth it as I have Zero calcified plaques in my arteries. I'm going to continue this way of eating and get a CAC scan every few years.


Jun 6, 2019
More and more info coming out that cholesterol isn't (and never was a problem) for most. Our bodies need cholesterol for cellular health and hormone production.
The frontal lobe of the brain is made primarily of cholesterol. In the 70s once the war on cholesterol began to today, dementia, early onset altheimers, and other mental disorders are up 1000%, I think the two have a definite corelation.


Jan 12, 2019
Reading through this thread, I see a lot of guys saying carnivore helped with inflammation/Joint pain etc. I have gout. I have it under control and down to one flare up a year in the spring. Looks like I will have to live with that one. I don't take medication, just gave up beer and shellfish and that took care of most of it for me. Redmeat/venison is generally listed as a common trigger for people with gout (never seemed to be one for me). Has anyone else with gout seen increased flare ups while doing carnivore?
I really like this doctor. His advice seems to be very good.
