You don't gain weight because of the insulin spike from carbs. You gain weight from being in a caloric surplus. It doesn't matter what you eat to be in a caloric surplus. You can gain weight on carnivore. If I force-feed a sedentary person 8 grass fed ribeyes a day, they will get fat. Doesn't matter that there's no carbs. And getting fat that way is just as bad for you as getting fat any other way. There aren't any magical macronutrients, or evil macronutrients. There's just macronutrients.
And when you say "nutrient-dense", which nutrients do you mean? Meats are great sources of some nutrients, like B-vitamins. They are piss-poor sources of other nutrients.
I just can't see the rationale for not eating fruits and vegetables. It's not like you see a bunch of morbidly obese people who eat salads all the time dropping dead left and right.
You can go right now and sit on almost any bench in North America and just look at the people walking by just look at the 7 of 10 that are obese and more importanly unhealthy. Those 7 did not get that way from eating protein and saturated fat from animal products. They got that way from eating foods that raised their insulin first then the flab was gained. Not to mention probably 5 of the 7 had bad covid cases simply due to the unhealth of obesity.
Incorrect about weight gain not being from carbs. When carbs are ingested, blood sugar rises. (Some carbs raise blood sugar quicker than others). Our bodies are well designed with a pancreas and beta cells to combat the dangers of high blood sugar. So when sugar elevates, the beta cells in the pancreas secretes insulin (i.e. insulation, fat storage hormone). The insulin takes the sugar out of the blood and stores it into the flab cells making flab cells larger and humans fatter. The blood sugar then drops.
So when that person who ate the carbs, raised blood sugar, then insulin stored sugar into flab cells, then blood sugar drops......that is the person who becomes drowsy, napish, weak and starving with no energy, ironically not long after eating that previous carb meal. So that person now needs to eat food again to get any energy at all. The body flab cannot be used as energy in this scenario because insulin is in the bloodstream storing flab not allowing the burning of body flab. That is the 7 people you watched from the bench. They ate crap or they may have eaten meat and crap but they still ate crap, then their insulin dropped blood sugar, they got weak and quickly ate more crap to get more energy. And this cycle continues in an always hungry state and certainly not burning all the carbs they ingested in the process. So it is constant body flab storage.
When a person ingests a meal of fat and protein, the blood sugar does not rise and no insulin is secreted (any measurable amount). When that meal is used up as energy and the next meal is not ready yet, the body can then use body flab as energy....and there's the weight loss. That is why those people talk about having sustained energy all day long compared to the first scenario of eating carbs. Has nothing to do with amount of calories in and out.
With each scenario...carb meal vs. meat meal.....the carb meal doesn't allow the leptin hormone to work. Leptin tells you when you are satieted after a meal. When eating low nutrient carbs you are always hungry. When eating high nutrient fat and protein you get satieted. You don't get the bloated, tight physically full feeling. You suddenly have no desire to eat any more after getting flushed with nutrients. That is why a metabolically healthy person can't eat 8 ribeyes a day. They get all they need and want after about two. That does not happen with carbs. You get full when you are physically about to explode. Then hungry again soon after. Hence the 3+ meals per day nonsense that we all grew up doing. And again look around you.
Meats are full of most if not all nutrients we need to survive and thrive. Full to the brim with essential fats, all the amino acids, B vitamins, omega 3s, etc. Veggies do have important nutrients if you can ingest enough to digest and absorb to do you any good.
For the 7 of 10 obese and unhealthy, I would suggest to them to go into damage control mode like yesterday.....not to eat one green bean or one piece of fruit nor any other sugar or carb. But rather, for a time, to eat quality wild meat (super high in omega 3s), wild salmon, pastured eggs, avacado, butter, coconut oil. Then when healthy again include different fruits and veggies if desired. Excess body fat will certainly melt off but a healthy body will happen.
That is the scenario our pancreas is designed seldomly bring blood sugar down to protect us, not abuse that perfect design every meal. That leads to insulin resistance, then diabetes, then the chances of cancer, heart disease, stroke and alzheimers are drastically increased. It's simply the wrong way to eat and you can see it every where you look.