Career vs Hobbies - how to balance them

I think there needs to be a balance. Not all work or all play. I personally hope to save some extra for when I die to pass to my children. I am talking generational wealth where I hope my children can pass along to their children. This may not be in direct cash for but could be land, tools, etc. I hope I can teach my children to think this way as well. I think about this with many purchases I make and how I spend money, but I also enjoy hunting , fishing and being outdoors.
I struggle with this. Currently working a full time job, started a company about a year ago and should start seeing good returns on that investment in the next 6 months. Currently in the early stages of starting another company or partnership in conjunction with 2 other like minded people.

Still make time to be a the best father I can, and that’s non negotiable. So I’m spread incredibly thin and have had to slow down on some of my favorite hobbies, but hunting season hasn’t need affected.

The way I rationalize it; short term sacrifice for long term gain. If all goes according to plan I’ll have nearly unlimited time for hobbies in the next couple years and the financial position to make it happen.

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You need to decide what is actually important to you, and then don't allow the world to distract you from that.
Adverts are the enemy....
I give up a little money at my job but they pretty much let me take off whenever I want for hunting season. It doesn't hurt that I told them at my interview I was leaving immediately after for a week of elk hunting so I set my terms pretty early on.

...that said, I'm always pushing them to pay me more.

And the lady understands that I'm around whenever I'm not gone. Happy wife happy life, right?

I never bought into the whole "can't have cake and eat it too" or whatever.

I definitely do things that I technically can't afford and don't get home improvements done in the name of taking trips and buying gear. I would rather have the experiences in the end, I do believe.

Work less and get paid more? Seems about right.

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Such a delicate balance. Couple years ago I took a new job after 15 years and lost my 6 weeks of vacation (gov job) back to three. It was double the money and I will get back to five weeks but it will take 7 more years. I have bitched about to my friends and they think I am crazy, but most do not cross country hunt like I do. Used 2 weeks and couple sick days to make my sept elk hunt work and still have another CO deer trip which will wipe me out for the year. Wife is not happy with me using it all for hunting but she knew that going in. I work a rotating schedule so have 6 days off in row once a month, makes it ok for short trips.
It really is a slippery slope with work and vacation time.
I recently switched companies this year. First company expected lots of hours and max 2 week vacation. They also were pissed when i told them i was starting to build points and when i drew a tag somewhere i was going to go.
New company let me take 2 weeks a week after i started for wedding/honeymoon. have a much more liberal vacation policy, went in and told them the same thing about drawing tags and they said that sounded awesome and wanted to see pics when i get back. Another guy is taking 6 months off in june to through hike the AT with his son.
Being with the right company makes having a hobby work load alot easier to handle.
I spent the first 20 years out of college - fishing or hunting every weekend pretty much. Then started and lost a company, had to start over from scratch, only didn't have much left to scratch with.

Spent the last 10 years busting hump, trying to make up for everything "lost" and not generated. Putting the company first allowed for some nice bonuses and then a partnership offer. Gonna be about 8-9 years before the partnership thing pays off and then hoping for retirement.

There is a magical balance and I wish had figured out many years ago. A time to shut up and "suck it up buttercup", a time to work, and a time to play.

Anyone who ever asks me about work ethic will hear - work hard and save/invest when you're young so you can coast when you're older. Not the other way around.
I know a lot of guys who have some really nice things. They work so much that they never even get to use them.

If your going to work so hard that you cant even play with the things you buy then why even buy them?

Work hard, play hard. One of the best statements I have ever come across.
There is a balance like lots of others mentioned and you'll end up working more than you play for most of your life. Play now pay later or Pay now and Play later is a real thing. Avoid debt, make sure you invest, and make sure you TAKE time off!

I have a father in law that is 65, owns a transit van with 260,000 miles, rents and old farmhouse, and literally lives on $1200/month social security. He sold me his first .308 to buy Christmas presents last year...You do not want that for yourself.
I have definitely seen both sides. I have family and close friends that sought out money thinking they will play once that happened. That has not been the case they are now to addicted to the money and enjoy very little. I lucked out and chose to play along the way took a job accordingly. I am not rolling in the cash, but get time as needed and am able to enjoy my hobbies and family life more than most. It’s easy to get stuck in the someday mentality. I would just rather do as much as I can all the time and enjoy life as best I can.
If you have 25-30 more years of working, now is the time to decide. I'm 45, and I teach. I have a lot of leave saved up because I would not take time for myself. I can't get those 25 year old legs back. I'm just now looking at hunting in the rockies and traveling more. Should have done this 20 years ago.....
As I'm now closer to 60 than 50, by the time I get done with all
the things I'm required to do, I dont have anything left for me.
People, stupidity, B.S., makes me tired.
There is a fine line.
Careers are over rated (yea I have one). My life got better when I just started going home afterwords and leaving work as work. It’s just a way to pay for the things that really make me happy. This time of year it feels especially good knowing that I did the things I love doing whole not letting work drag me down.