Man you have to be careful. It’s so easy to not see what’s coming and you can get your tail stuck in a crack without even noticing. Construction and warehouse work through my teens and 20’s, Time to fish and hunt, backpack, spearfish, get married, adventure.
…then almost at the same time we got pregnant and I got offered a “desk job” with a big bump in pay.
Hey, why not? Personal growth and more money is a good thing right?
Then some health stuff changed and my wife wasn’t going back to work after having the kid.
Hey, that’s cool, its better overall for child raisin right?
Then a couple big medical bills hit us.
…did I mention we had a mortgage on a beater house that was barely treading water in market value? And that without my wife’s income we could barely squeak by keeping the lights on?...and that rents had skyrocketed to the same price as our mortgage?
…did I mention that I figured out, too late, that the desk job was a horrible match? 2 hour commutes each way. Depression and anxiety ruled my soul. 3 weeks off per year and not at the same time. Hemorrhaging money.
We don’t come from money. Nobody to help, not even a room to move into with extended family. Stuck. Panic. Treading Water and trying to be patient and not lose my sh!t completely…just mostly…
So we treaded water for well over a decade, watching time slip by but barely keeping a roof over my wife and daughter’s heads. I lost everything outside of the house, sold all my fishing rods except one, all the firearms except the one’s that weren’t worth anything, savings, gone, anything of value sold.
Then the housing market tilted and we had a window and GTFO of that life and rolled the dice again, this time with our goals and values solidly in focus. Downsized and simplified.
Went from a naïve and happy 30 year old to a burned out 40-something in what felt like the blink of an eye. In my 50’s now, still licking my wounds and watching that horizon.
Nothing unique here, just that I’ve never been motivated by making money and I still got caught. I can still remember the morning I got into my car to start my long commute and it dawned on me how “stuck” I was. Too late. It's noble and solid to sacrifice for those you love, just try not to sacrifice your whole soul while you do it. No bueno.