This thread cracks me up.
My thought has always been that there has been an inverse relationship with tough dog breeds and their vet visits and it's no coincidence that these dog owners are generally over compensating, much like small guys in lifted pick ups.
I've been bit by more golden retrievers than any other breed. I despise 95% of German Shepherds, I can count on one hand the number of them I've actually enjoyed seeing. There have been a couple that it took all sorts of will power not to get my pistol out of my truck for an acute lead treatment.
Put as much trust in a rottweiler as you would a wet fart after eating a spicy burrito. Seen plenty good ones, seen a few and euthanized a few that had dead doll eyes
Be leery of the behavioral consult for any dog, but always with a pit.
It takes 3 people to hold down a bad chihuahua for a nail trim.
Could I take on a 100 lb dog trying to kill me? Wouldn't have a choice but to try.
I have zero tolerance for aggressive dogs.