Can you realistically fight off a 100+lb dog or are you going to lose?

It is an interesting question because everyone seems super concerned with grizz but dogs kill and severely injure way more people a year than bears. Last weekend, I was on a pretty rural area turkey scouting with kids. Area has a few roaming trailer park dogs. Much more concerning than bears out west.
Depends on how it plays out. Had a very large pitt charge me and my britt and he caught a cowboy boot in the jaw from a full power kick but he was going for my dog not me or I might not have landed it. Dont know how he ended up but he was out cold when I walked away.

I have broken up some scraps between my dogs, this is different because they are going for each other not me but you are trying to restrain two at once. It can go wrong as well, I was separating my setter and boxer and my hand missed the collar I was going for and ended up in a mouth and things went a bit sideways.


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You'll likely never know, barking and presence win most of the time. If you ever get to see 3-4 LGD's that don't get fed do their job, don't let your wife watch.
There were, I'm sure still is, a little contingent of greyhound folks that were acquaintances of our baseball coach in junior college. I will never own a greyhound and I have never been in the field and thought of popping a coyote. Hopeless brutality is a good description of that run down.
Took 4 of us to hold down Rufus, our 110# half St Bernard, half English Setter when he got a mouth full of porky quills. I did manage to get most out with my Leatherman but he sure was strong. A vet visit and anesthesia followed for the rest.

And yup he pointed and was a heck of a hiking and cross-country skiing companion. No day was too cold or long for him. We even had a keg we put on his neck, got a lot of attention from anyone we’d meet. Old Rufus loved it.
A couple of years ago I was run out of a field while pheasant hunting by a giant white fluffy dog (Kuvasz maybee??) that was totally unhinged. The dog appeared out of nowhere shortly after pulling the trigger for the first time in that area. I was hunting with a Drahthaar who is usually very alpha but wanted nothing to do with this thing and neither did I. This dog charged us several times getting to like 5-8ft away growling and barking the entire time. It stayed on us for the 1/2 mile back to the truck. The dog was huge and very aggressive. I walked backwards with my gun on the dog the entire walk. Im a dog lover but if push came to shove he was gonna eat the full load of #5s before I found out if I could fight him off or not.
There were, I'm sure still is, a little contingent of greyhound folks that were acquaintances of our baseball coach in junior college. I will never own a greyhound and I have never been in the field and thought of popping a coyote. Hopeless brutality is a good description of that run down.
I have two Greys, they are not coyote friendly at all. It's a 40 mile an hour takedown. Ranchers loves them. I've been bowled over by them a few times messing around. At 40 miles an hour and 75 and 65 pounder puts you on your butt with no effort. AS far as fighting a hundred pound dog- I'll pass. Glock wins everytime, never leave home without it.
I think a lot of people underestimate the true power of a 100 pound dog.

Just wrestling a 50-60 pound dog that doesn’t want to get a vaccine (I’m a vet) can be a rodeo in itself let alone fighting a dog twice that size going into kill mode…a lot of people would have a lot more trouble than they think.

Straight hand to hand combat would be a hell of a fight if you could even win it. Of course, any weapon would make all the difference.
Would you rather fight one 100lb dog or 100 one pound dogs?
There is a reservation in Washington that has a big pack of wild chihuahuas running around and I have heard some funny stories of them going into attack mode. I never wanted to go work that area, but I was a little jealous I didn’t get to experience the chaos of the wild pack of chihuahuas.

I know perfectly capable young guys have been killed by dogs (almost always pits) so I hope I never find out how I would do in a fight with a big dog, but I assume if you had to fight a savage 100lb dog 10 times, there would be a percentage of losses.

It’s hard to say, it would depend on the person, dog, and situation
Seems to me most dogs are just defending their territory....they aren't out to kill you.

I have never encountered a pack of dogs roaming the woods in search of critters to kill. That would be intimidating.
I’ve never seen a grown adult killed by a dog, but I’ve seen some people come through the ER who were chewed the hell up and permanently disfigured from large dog attacks.

I saw a guy one time whose own Rottweiler turned on him. He wasn’t a small man, probably 240-250lbs. His forearm was a mangled mess of crushed bone and meat and his face was barely recognizable. Guy nearly bled to death before we could finally pin point all the areas he was bleeding from and get them clamped off.

I think the vast majority of grown adults could win. But it ain’t going to be pretty.
Several years ago, I was attacked by our 200 lb. Mastiff. Long story, but he just snapped and lost his damn mind! Up until then, he really was a big baby.

I don't recommend fighting a dog that size. I 'won', but still ended up in the ER for stitches and x-rays. Thought I'd broken my hand on him.


That's him on the left.

If possible give them your weak side arm to chew on, then start removing their eyeballs as quickly as you can then if a male grab the nuts and try your best to detach them. Still hanging on your arm ? best figure out how to choke them out.