Can you gain muscle in a calorie deficit?

Fasted cardio is probably the best because you will use fat to fuel the atp production if you keep it low intensity. In addition if you do your cardio after strength training your body is going to use glucose to fuel atp production. It is probably best to get your body fat adapted with fasted LISS if you want to shred body fat.
I did. Went from about 170 to low 150s at 5’5”, relatively novice lifter and age 38.

I did the starting strength lifting program, some time restricted eating(skipping breakfast), and put protein first until I was full, cut way back on bread and starches.
I cut way back on cardio, and really focused on lifting heavy.

My pull-ups went from 18 to 32 (dead hang). Bench from 190-250, squat from 190-335.

Later I went carnivore and got stronger and easily stayed lean.

Odd thing was the getting lean and low carb thing was kind of an accident. I just made sure to get enough meat, avoid junk. For me I just wound up satiated and felt better, while getting much leaner than I’d ever been.
I'm doubting the answe is simple, but?
Yes! Last month I lost 2 percent body fat while gaining 2 pounds of muscle. I’m not on some complicated either. I run and lift at least 5 times a week, eat as clean as I can (wild game, organic beef and chicken and some kind of rice or potato and eggs, eggs, and more eggs).
Fasted cardio is probably the best because you will use fat to fuel the atp production if you keep it low intensity. In addition if you do your cardio after strength training your body is going to use glucose to fuel atp production. It is probably best to get your body fat adapted with fasted LISS if you want to shred body fat.
I truly believe every workout should start with fasted cardio. I’ve been doing it for years before I lift and I won’t ever go back. I’ve tried every combinations with types of food before and nothing ever got me going like fasted.
You should look up some YouTube videos of Jeff nippard about recomping. He has a very science based approach that’s easy to understand.

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I'm doubting the answe is simple, but?
You can in 2 scenarios;

1. You are a beginner weight trainer.

2. You are on steroids.

Any other circumstances, no. You may be able to get stronger as you lose weight (to a point) depending on your individual leverages and your ability to adapt neurally.

Also, maintaining cardio while gaining mass is incredibly difficult. Cardio is a relationship of efficiency of O2 transport and metabolism. Gaining mass (tissue that needs lots of Oxygen) will not help.