In recent times, it’s been a bullet maker that has driven innovation and subsequent new cartridges. I feel that is the only driver, and hornady in particular. Seems they are the only true major firm looking at the trends in hunting and shooting sports and isolating gaps and opportunities. I just don’t see any of the firearms companies truly engaged - except Winchester and one the 350 legend project. Although a niche, it’s brilliant. Gone is the storied tale of big green and the 7mm rm.
I know you mentioned not what rokslide would buy, but if any wave of innovation is starting its certain members of rokslide applying real world experience and shattering many myths of what really works.
Scopes that actually work, shoot as much or more as archery, which means low recoil and low cost of practice, and certain bullets can transform small bores to kill on par with most traditional “short” action with typical controlled expansion designs with greater range…
The sacred cows that exist in arms makers limits their ability to depart from convention from my arm chair QB spot. And so many in media business pontificate garbage with know one really turning them off.
An obvious exception is UM and the 6UM. I unknowingly characterize as a cottage manufacturer and not a maga corporation is the only example. Jake is certainly plugged with Form, Ryan, Chris and others I don’t formerly know. This is the future imo. (Economic concerns throughout the globe I think makes capital investment risky too) - Parallel to Sitka FL etc for us to get better functional clothing.
Even tikka, whom must be aware of sky rocketing us sales, and with a little research would reveal folks are re-barreling to 6cm, 22 cm etc and something that actually would not require retooling or capital hasn’t happened…
So, great topic but I kinda believe rokslide community and several key members, this collection of folks are the driver.
I’d add this, coming from one of restricted states. Yes, the 350 legend is smarter than the 450 BM, 45/70, 444 marlin etc. - same basic range capabilities with the lowest recoil and most affordable ammo.
But, the are millions of 30-30, 32 ws and 35 rem the dont exceed in any way the range of a 350 legend except they have a bottle neck case. I’ve sent emails to our congress and DNR and will continue. Hornady should be at the forefront of this too as the only bullet company to offer a good new Bullet beyond exposed lead tip cup and core. There is a huge market in practice with those millions of weapons that could be used after decades of storage.