Buy once cry once shotgun for water fowl

I nearly always have the 870 with me for waterfowl, upland get a sxs. The 870 is like an extension of me - everything is done without any thought. Dad likes the semi-autos.

Buddy has a 3-1/2 inch Remington semi. He's had it for more than 5 yrs and shoots 3 and 3.5 inch shells. Can only remember him having 2 issues on maybe 50 hunting trips. He cleans it and is good for another couple of years.
The Benelli Super Black Eagle will be amazing! You will not regret making that purchase. I personally shoot one along with all of my buddies I hunt with shootin gone as well. We all can't say enough good about them.
The Benelli Super Black Eagle will be amazing! You will not regret making that purchase. I personally shoot one along with all of my buddies I hunt with shootin gone as well. We all can't say enough good about them.
If meme cycling issues aren’t enough to scare you from a SBE I’ll throw in a different problem. Same gun.

Mind you, these picture were for my gun smith and were both taken different mornings. Both times immediately following trips to said gun smith. So gun was clean
When a benelli acts up it’s mechanical. When a browning or beretta acts up it’s usually neglect. Inertia guns tend to shoot through neglect which is why I’ve stuck with them so long. Trust me I can neglect a duck gun with the best of them and it has costs me lots of money and saved many birds lives over the years.

I’d rather at least know it’s my fault when I’m stuck with a single shot. I shot a limit (30) of geese one day this year using my gold as a bolt action. That never would have happened with one of my benellis, neglect or not. But at least I only had myself to blame for not cleaning it for 3 weeks of high volume rain hunts.

The pictures I shared are not just one copy of one model. I have other examples and frankly as a benelli fan boy for a decade I’m over it. You spend almost 2k on a gun, it should cycle.
Browning synergy. - also functions as a canoe paddle if needed. Modified choke on the bottom barrel snow goose full on the top. It’s the perfect duck hunting gun. I found after switching to an o/u I make better shots, and that tight choke is great for a farther second shot.
I've shot with guys who literally have SBE2 license plates and their pride and joy choked on the Sporting Clays course.
Those inertia guns require a fair amount of recoil to operate.
Never had that problem with my gas guns.
Browning Silver Hunter and Winchester SX4 have the same operating system and the Win has lots of camo choices.
As mentioned before, you will likely never need a 3.5" gun.
My buddy has a sbe3 that only shoots 3s and has never had a problem. I've shot thousands of rounds out of my franchi affinity 3.5 that uses a very similar and in some ways identical bolt to the sbe3, and have never had a problem with 3s. Only light trap loads have ever given me problems with cycling.
Fwiw I’ve got somewhere around 5k rounds through my sbe3 everything from 7/8 oz loads for sporting clays to 3.5 turkey loads. It’s been flawless, zero failures or hiccups. It’s been cleaned 3ish times.

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I have an SBE 3, it has worked through 4 seasons. Gotten all kinds of dirt, mud etc through it.

BUT man mine patterns so high, I struggle to account for it. I left it alone this season and shot a O/U with mucb greater success.

I might try a bead or a red dot on it to line it up better with how I mount/shoot it.
SBE 2 ftw. One of mine has been through 3 brothers their kids and left in blind once for 4 months, teenagers :(.. never a jam always goes boom. It has wooped alligators and paddled me home too! Bought another and keep the first for the kids that want to go.
I’d pick what ever high $ top of the line model that shoulders best. Can’t go wrong either way. I run the maxus
I prefer the franchi affinity over the benelli, I shoot it better, doesn’t feel as good of quality In the hands, but franchi has the recoil spring assembly in the forearm so there a little more forward weight which helps me swing better and follow through with shits. The rib isn’t as high as the benelli and the front bead is so much smaller, just easier to lose it and not be a distraction when shooting but still there to have as a reference.

Definitely get the cerakote version of the franchi, the base model black rust very easily.
This is one topic where I feel qualified to answer. It's safe to say I've subjected and seen shotguns in the worst possible conditions. Arkansas mud and shooting up to and sometimes more than 30 cases of waterfowl loads in long strings is absolute abuse on guns. On top of that a 5 month season dunking them in saltwater and volcanic sand on the Aleutian islands. That stuff will tear through guns. The most failures I've seen by a large amount have been benellis. The ones that last have been the following: beretta a400, winchester sx3/4, browning maxus (same system as sx3). Take it for what it's worth.
Been shooting the original SBE going on 25 years. 1000's of rounds and birds. Changed recoil spring once in that time frame. Can't go wrong with Benelli.
Franchise semi or o/u . We only shoot .20 gauge, 6 shot for ducks, geese.


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I have shot multiple Berettas, 391 12 ga, A300 12ga, and A300 Ultima 20ga. Can honestly say I have never had a issue with any of those 3. I have been a fan of Beretta because they've always been reliable!

I’m a fair weather bird hunter but I’m trying to get into it more and more. In the past I didn’t go much because I didn’t really know anybody who was into it. My bird hunting season consisted of a goose or 2 and ducks when I happened to catch them while jet boating on creeks.

I’ve since met a few guys who are all in, they have invited me on a few trips with them this next year to some real legit places for Brandt’s, geese, sea ducks etc.

My current shotgun is a beat up old Remington rust bucket, it works but I want to invest in a nice semi auto, I’m going to have to order due to where I live so I can’t really go and try a bunch. I’m looking for something I’m going to be happy with for years to come, price isn’t an issue but I’d like to stay under 2k.

What would you buy for a one and done waterfowl gun? I’m thinking a benelli super black eagle or maybe some version of the A5.

What would you get?

I am a big fan of the a400 Xtreme as well. I have 3 currently as well as the older Xtrema2.
Since this thread is getting revived, I still have yet to upgrade from my Stoeger m3500. I have used and abused the gun, rusted every outing in saltwater after 7 years. Sanded down and rattle can brown and hard epoxy clear coat and it's like new again last season. I planned to upgrade to a benelli, but I cant justify it when this guns works as hard as it does. New choke last season gave me my best accuracy yet. Bring on September early goose.