Buy once cry once shotgun for water fowl

Fitting & pattern are paramount, so if you have the ability to shoot a couple, I would recommend that you do, that being said, modern duck guns don't seem to vary much in terms of measurements. As for reliability, I know most manufacturers are making great guns these days, but I have 16 years on the same SBE and it continues to do very well by me. I should take better care of it, but despite mud and grit, it cycles everything I put through from low base to dirty 3.5's. Benelli'ss ID system really is a beautiful thing.
If you want a waterfowl gun just go all out.
Browning Gold 10Ga. I have a pair of em theyre all i waterfowl hunt with. Both got sure fire systems and extension tubes for spring snows.


Basically the same gun....Personally I would go with the Winchester cause its less $$$...

Shoot them dripping wet with break-free'll love it for life.

Also, I should note that I personally went down the Benelli/Beretta path one time.....I would never go back. EVER. And I would not recommend the new Browning A-5, the recoil is too much.
I have shot my Benelli Vinci for 10 years, -20 to 102 degrees, thousands of rounds from 7/8 target dirty reloads to goose loads and it still functions flawlessly, only ever clean the chokes and lube rarely. Pumps or Inertia, no gas guns for me. A good hunter only needs 3" shells, dont skybust, a miss is a miss, getting them close is the fun part.
No budget - SBE3
Big budget - SBE2/M2/Vinci
Mid Budget - Franchi Affinity
Small Budget - Stoeger M series
Find a Beretta 390 silver mallard synthetic, if you can. I cycled through a lot of shotguns before falling in love with this oldie-but-goodie. I keep a SBE 2 around for field goose hunts too. And an A400 lite that is a close second to the 390.
I would say avoid the A5, I had lots of trouble with one and a friend had similar troubles with his. I currently have a Maxus and an SX4, the Maxus has given me trouble (sent in twice) while the SX4 has been treated like a red headed step child but has been flawless, I know they are basically the same gun so I'm not sure why the difference in reliability.
I’m pushing 24 years on my SBE. It was a cry once deal back then. I’d buy at pallet of them now for what I paid.

I did shoot a buddies SBE 3. If I was in the market, no question that would be the one and done.

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I am a Benelli snob you can’t go wrong with a sbe2 if you can find one or the new sbe3 is a nice gun as well. If you don’t care for 3.5” shells a m2 is Purdy darn slick as well.
My SBE2 has been flawless, they make adjustable stocks for a reason. Go out the pattern board and you can get it to shoot where you look if it did't, mine is perfect for me, probably 60/40 and dead straight.

Been thinking of selling to fund another 20ga? But I hate to sell a good gun.
Bought a Mossberg 835 in the mid 90’s and spent the money saved on reloading steel shot press and supplies.
I bought lots of steel shot and glad I did back then as prices are nuts now.
never knew then that the over bore (.775) 835 barrel gains a 100fps. 👍👍
I have mostly used a Stevens double though but when using larger shot than #3 the 835 comes out.
the 835 has seen rough use which is why the cheaper shotgun was bought.
I have shot my Benelli Vinci for 10 years, -20 to 102 degrees, thousands of rounds from 7/8 target dirty reloads to goose loads and it still functions flawlessly, only ever clean the chokes and lube rarely. Pumps or Inertia, no gas guns for me. A good hunter only needs 3" shells, dont skybust, a miss is a miss, getting them close is the fun part.
No budget - SBE3
Big budget - SBE2/M2/Vinci
Mid Budget - Franchi Affinity
Small Budget - Stoeger M series
SBE3 for sure, though I love my M2 Field.