Buy once cry once shotgun for water fowl

Franchi Affinity 3 Elite has not yet been mentioned. Might be worth a look

Multiple finishes including cerakote [on the elite]; multiple barrel length options; multiple shell size configs [I agree with @hartigjosh here]; multiple factory screw-in chokes; shim kit for fit. I've shot the long barrel version and it is a lightweight easy follow/swing weapon. I believe they are marketed here by Benelli USA and are a similar design - return spring is placed differently.
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Any reason to look at a super Vinci vs a super black eagle?
Gun review: Benelli Super Vinci vs. Super Black… | Grand View Outdoors

Here's a nice comparison.

The Browning, Beretta or Benelli will all be great workhorses anyone saying otherwise is just a fanboy. I would suggest just grabbing all your choices and really look them over.

It's really going to come down to the ergonomics and how they pull up for you. Look at the things like the bolt, safety position, sight picture, etc. Gas guns are said to handle recoil a bit better but the Benelli system is a proven beast. The inertia guns will also be a bit easier to clean.

I personally went with the Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus. I liked the safety position being above the trigger guard and liked the oversized bolt and bolt release. It just also just pulled up nicer for me than the Benelli.

I own a Benelli Montefeltro in 20ga, Franchi Affinity Select in 12, and traded my old Winchester SX3 in for the Beretta to be my workhorse that I don't care if it get's abused and dirty. Loved it so far this year.
Benelli SBE2 or SBE3 for sure. Or if you want to save a couple hundred bucks you can get a Benelli M2 which is the exact same but only has a 3" chamber
I am a Benelli fan, I have had every single SBE they've put out as well as the Super Vinci and the M2. If you are on a budget and don't plan on shooting any 3.5's then I'd grab a M2 and call it a day. I like to have the magnum option for geese and Sand Hill Crane so I stick with the 3.5" guns most of the time even though they don't see 3.5's very often. I currently have the SBE3 with the B.E.S.T. PVD treatment and I am in love. We hunt the coast most of the time so having a gun that can stand up to the salt water goes a long way towards fighting corrosion.

Other guns I have been around and impressed with are the Beretta A400 Extreme and Extreme Plus and the Browning A5 Wicked Wings. Like others have mentioned, get in the habit of spraying your gun down with Rem oil after the hunt and then strip it and clean it or at least wipe it down at the end of the day. This will go a long way towards keeping it from rusting. I prefer a cerakoted or dipped gun to further help fight corrosion.

I've hunted fowl for 30 years. My advice on a bang stick is to get an inertia driven gun. AVOID A GAS DRIVEN GUN LIKE THE PLAUGE. I'd suggest a A5 or a Benelli. Look into the Retays as wellI, have no experience with one but want to pick one up to try. Ever gas gun I've owned jammed and caused me to cuss a lot, no matter how clean or what ammo. My inertia guns go boom....every time.
This is my feeling at this point. I have an a5 and a sbe2, don’t see myself ever going back to gas.
Shot Beretta 391 extreme for 10 the A400 1st year they came out...I use the a400, my oldest boy uses the 391....I have used my Beretta for just about everything including a boat paddle...they have both been completely submerged in saltwater multiple times...dump a bottle of fresh water on them to get the grit out of the action and they work just fine...I do disassemble and spray off with hose after the hunt. If only for waterfowl make sure you get a 28" for whatever you get...YMMV
I’ve done the same boat paddle with my 391 xtrema 2 in the Palmer flats. It was the gun or me into the marsh. It was a fun wet hunt.

buy the one that fits you!
@thinhorn_AK, what part of Alaska you live in? I bet you could meet someone at the range to shoot them.
SBE II. I’ve had it probably 15 years. 10,000+ of rounds through it, probably twice that. I’ve hunted about everything with it. I used to shoot a lot of trap competitions, sold my fancy beretta over under and just used my SBE, camo finish and all. I’ve never replaced any part on it, used it as a boat oar, beaten water moccasins to death with it, dropped it in water, it completely froze, then ran 3 rounds on the next group that came in, they are phenomenal guns.
Can't say enough good things about benelli. My dad has had his SBE since they came out in the early 90s and it is still his go to shotgun, it has been nothing but reliable. I have a SBE and a M2 and only issues I have had were due to my SBE not being cleaned and my M2 had a broken bolt release, which Benelli took care of. A lot of my friends shoot berettas and they are all reliable. If I were going to buy a new semi auto, a benelli or beretta that can take 3.5" shells would be what I would buy. The new A5 is probably just as good, but I have never shot one.
Any reason to look at a super Vinci vs a super black eagle?

I really liked my Super Vinci but I sold it off in favor of trying the new SBE3 back in 2017 when they came out. I liked how quickly I could strip it down and having the action spring built in behind the bolt was nice as well. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I found it to be an extremely ugly gun, somewhat of a futuristic ray gun look. I liked having the safety in front of the trigger after I got used to it as well. Try them both and pick the one that fits you best.
I would definitely vote for an autoloader. Benelli and Beretta are both AWESOME guns.
Combine a great shotgun with some Hevi X, Hevishot Duck, HeviMetal, Hevi Bismuth and you are in business. I would spend some time patterning your shotgun.
I've got two old Remington 11-87's that work very well. The only problems I had was long before the layout blind when rain/snow would get in the gun and freeze.

In dry conditions over the years I've yet to see a more reliable gun and I've seen them all right next to me in the field.

Remington's are no longer the sexy kid on the block but I wouldn't trade mine for anything. I would not buy any shotgun sight unseen. Fit is very important and how well it shoulders for you is key.
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What's the difference between the M2 and the Montefeltro?

I for one like the Affinity as well and think it looks prettier than the Montefeltro but the name Benelli keeps calling to me.