Bullet type for all big game, all ranges

I'm guessing most people will say nosler partition.

I use a 180gr Speer hot cor in my .30-06 exiting the muzzle at 2850fps. Zeroed at 200, it only drops 7.5" at 500 feet elevation. It should be fine for 25-50 yards also because the velocity is low enough the bullet won't explode on a tissue impact. I hit a rib on an elk I shot this year at 100 yards, and the bullet had 55% weight retention. Very little meat loss.

So, you can use the old cup and cores too, you just want to keep the velocity below 2800 or 2900fps depending on the bullet. I'm also not a fan of shoulder shots or the price of partitions since I shoot alot, so that's why I went with that bullet.

Btw, I've shot 1 elk with my rifle, because I'm also from the Midwest. So take my I do with a grain of salt.
I don't hear much about the Speer Hot Cor anymore, but it's a terrific bullet. I've used them in 145 grs in a 280 Rem, 165 grs in '06 and 308, and 160 grs in 7mm Mag. Never had a failure to kill. Expansion is dramatic, but penetration is always adequate if you make a good shot. Moose and bears die with Hot Cors just fine. I love hearing about all the new bullets and the hype that keeps the hunting industry going, but sometimes you have to set the kool aid down and talk to some old guys that have seen dozens of heavy Western and Alaskan critters hit the dirt to get the real story. Partitions work great, Accubonds do to, so do Interlocks and even Sierras. Decide if you are a "pretty mushroom, weight retention" guy, or a "hand grenade the innards" guy, and purchase bullets accordingly. Then don't forget to bash the hell out of the guys in the other camp as often as possible.
I can't recall if its ok to link to another forum or not. If it is not, forgive me and I will take down the link.

This link is to a thread on the Campfire Forum called Deceased By Scenar.

I have used a 155 Scenar in .308s for quite some time and the punchline is they work. I have used them in a 20" .308 at ranges from 50 yards at the closest to 615 yards on elk, all one shot kills. The 615 yard cow was the only one I ever recovered a bullet.

The thread is worth a read, as there are some superb pics of animals. Some may argue that Lapua Scenars are not hunting bullets, but it is hard to argue about the number of fine animals that have taken dirt naps due to being hit by them.

Just for grins, here is a fat cow that my oldest daughter dropped with a single well placed round at 375 yards from her 20" .308 T3 using a 155 Scenar.


In this pic I am showing the exit wound on the offside shoulder:

So much depends on what cartridge the bullet will be fired from, what rifle and what expected ranges. The all-around bullet I prefer in the gentle, easy-on-bullets 6.5 Creedmoor will more than likely not be the same bullet I would prefer in the 6.5-300 Weatherby. I can use a softer bullet in the Creedmoor simply because it isn't being asked to go through bone at 3300 fps like it might be asked if a close range shot were presented to the Weatherby cartridge.

For something mild like the 6.5 Creedmoor, I really like the Nosler AccuBond Long Range in both 129gr and 142gr. I'd use the 142 for bigger critters or if wind is a real concern and the 129 for everything else. Neither would be started above 2900 fps so close range shots will not tax the bullet. Both are slippery, so shooting out to 600 yards should also result in good terminal performance. I'd think the 168gr .30-cal version of this bullet (pretty close to the same BC as the 129gr 6.5) would be a nice all-around bullet for your equally gentle short-barreled .308 Win, providing excellent performance on game from 5 - 500 yards without worry at either range.

BTW, give me a Barnes bullet for that 6.5-300 Weatherby, that way I don't have to worry if a big bull steps out from behind a tree at 25 yards.
I can't recall if its ok to link to another forum or not. If it is not, forgive me and I will take down the link.

This link is to a thread on the Campfire Forum called Deceased By Scenar.

I have used a 155 Scenar in .308s for quite some time and the punchline is they work. I have used them in a 20" .308 at ranges from 50 yards at the closest to 615 yards on elk, all one shot kills. The 615 yard cow was the only one I ever recovered a bullet.

The thread is worth a read, as there are some superb pics of animals. Some may argue that Lapua Scenars are not hunting bullets, but it is hard to argue about the number of fine animals that have taken dirt naps due to being hit by them.

Just for grins, here is a fat cow that my oldest daughter dropped with a single well placed round at 375 yards from her 20" .308 T3 using a 155 Scenar.


In this pic I am showing the exit wound on the offside shoulder:

That thread is the business.
I think I’d still lean towards a Partition as an “all-around” bullet in Alaska, where up-close moose and bear can make an unwelcome appearance, but sheesh... hard to argue with those 155 Scenar wound channels.
I've killed a pile of pigs with the GMX out of my .280 with no expansion issues. Likely because of their tough shoulders. But, I also killed a good Mule Deer buck in Utah 2 years ago with GMX's at around 130 yards and blew a golf ball size exit wound out of him. Entrance was behind the shoulder quartering away, so it hit shoulder on the back side. Pretty devastating wound, and a lot of meat loss on that far shoulder. It didn't go far.

I'm in both camps, though. Core lokt ammo performs very well out of my Whelen, and my old 30-06, but at low velocities. Accubonds are top notch out of my .280 and my 6.5 Swede. And, being in California, when I hunt here I have to use copper so either the GMX, TSX or TTSX get used on local stuff. But, as I said, I have had great experiences with the GMX. When I hunt deer in Texas I just take whatever ammo I am shooting that season, which is usually the GMX or TTSX. Never had a problem killing deer in TX with either. But, I almost always take a shoulder shot with those things to prevent them from getting deep into the scrub and cactus, so I haven't had an issue with expansion as of yet.

I am prone to over-analyzing things at times, and I have learned that I need to stop doing it. Old cup and core bullets work great if you use them right, so does copper, and either of the Nosler top options. I suppose if I had to choose one, it would likely be the accubond due to accuracy and overall performance. But, I am absolutely not an expert, so maybe the best idea is to figure out what your rifle likes, and then optimize performance by shooting it where it needs to be (I.e. in the shoulder if copper).
Thanks to everyone who replied -- I really appreciate it. Based on this discussion and for my needs -- meaning trying to keep it simple -- I've narrowed it down to two, then, normal speeds and Accubond bullets or the hot Buffalo Bore 150 gr. Barnes TTSX where velocity is not a problem. Thanks, again -- I learned a lot and enjoyed the discussion.
I shoot a .270 Win and a .300 H & H with Barnes TTSX.
The trajectories are the same 3 inches high at 100 yards, -3 inches at 300 yards.
Both rifles are both old Remington 700 with old 3X9 Leupold scopes and the same trigger pull.
In 28 years of hunting in Alaska, almost all my kills have been less than 300 yards, most less than 200 yards.

Handloads 130 gr TTSX, 180gr TTSX.
I shoot a couple hundred over the summer and can get a box of
50 TTSX for $30 with free shipping from MidwayUSA.
Has anyone had an experience with the Federal Trophy Copper? How does it compare to the Barnes bullets.
Out of a short barreled .308, I’d pick your preferred flavor of cup and core bullet and kill stuff. For me it’d be a 150 or 165/8 Nosler Ballistic Tip or the 155 scenar. With that said, if you need something “tougher” I’d roll with the Partitions.

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I can't recall if its ok to link to another forum or not. If it is not, forgive me and I will take down the link.

This link is to a thread on the Campfire Forum called Deceased By Scenar.

I have used a 155 Scenar in .308s for quite some time and the punchline is they work. I have used them in a 20" .308 at ranges from 50 yards at the closest to 615 yards on elk, all one shot kills. The 615 yard cow was the only one I ever recovered a bullet.

The thread is worth a read, as there are some superb pics of animals. Some may argue that Lapua Scenars are not hunting bullets, but it is hard to argue about the number of fine animals that have taken dirt naps due to being hit by them.

Just for grins, here is a fat cow that my oldest daughter dropped with a single well placed round at 375 yards from her 20" .308 T3 using a 155 Scenar.


In this pic I am showing the exit wound on the offside shoulder:


Read through that forum and very interested in using the 155s in my 20” 308 for long range (out to 600/700 yards) hunting!

A few questions:

1. Is there a consensus on the minimum velocity for expansion? 1800fps?
2. Is the bullet picky on jump to lands?

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I'm a big accubond fan but another great bullet especially in 30 cal is the sierra gameking. Standard cup and core but they are very accurate and I always had great luck with them in a 7mm-08.
Does anyone have any firsthand experience with the 180 Nosler Partition or 185 Berger Classis hunter in the 308W?
Federal Trophy Bonded Tip and Accubonds. Nosler Partition is also an excellent choice.