I can't recall if its ok to link to another forum or not. If it is not, forgive me and I will take down the link.
This link is to a thread on the Campfire Forum called Deceased By Scenar.
Tons of white, long winter and the Scenars that Scenar turned me onto are perking well in my lil 300 WSM. So, please post up pics of your victums via flight Scenar and help me relax a bit during this long butt winter. Gracias Perro
I have used a 155 Scenar in .308s for quite some time and the punchline is they work. I have used them in a 20" .308 at ranges from 50 yards at the closest to 615 yards on elk, all one shot kills. The 615 yard cow was the only one I ever recovered a bullet.
The thread is worth a read, as there are some superb pics of animals. Some may argue that Lapua Scenars are not hunting bullets, but it is hard to argue about the number of fine animals that have taken dirt naps due to being hit by them.
Just for grins, here is a fat cow that my oldest daughter dropped with a single well placed round at 375 yards from her 20" .308 T3 using a 155 Scenar.
In this pic I am showing the exit wound on the offside shoulder: