Build: 22 creed, Coup de Grace, Stockys


Rokslide Sponsor
Dec 21, 2016
Just finished assembling a rifle for a buddy. He had me tell him the parts to order. Chambered in 22 Creedmoor.

Coup de Grace action,
Preferred Barrels 26” carbon fiber barrel with nickel for contrast,
Stocky’s VG2,
Trigger Tech Special flat,
Greyboe M5 bottom metal,
Area 419 rail

I had to trim a spot in the stock for the back of the trigger hanger. Just about 1/8 back and 3/16 down. And, had to open up a spot for the bolt release on the side of the stock. I just opened it for 1/16 clearance when pressed to open.

Also, because he runs AICS magazines, the mag latch was a hair too long. I put a washer underneath the rear of the bottom metal to push the mag latch down. It perfectly fixed the issue. The washer was a press fit and filled the space on the stock for full contact.

I have run a washer in another rifle without problem affecting precision. We’ll run it for a while before trimming the mag catch.

I like everything about the rifle. The action is a little heavy for back country. It’s very cool though. I like the pivoting handle. I may pick up the lite version.

Figured I would post up some of the different rifles I help guys assemble, or assemble myself when they have something unique. This is the first time I have seen a finished rifle with the nickel wrap in the carbon barrel. I thought it looked so really cool.
I’m interested to see how that goes. I’m fixing to help a buddy with a Kelbly atlas lite build that will likely need the same modifications
The atlas lite does not have a trigger hanger so you won't have to worry about that part, ejection port possibly. I have the same stock coming for my atlas lite SA so I will know shortly. I've seen quite a few times few complain about a long reach to a trigger but it seems that's always on the tikkas. Anyone have personal experience with the 700 based actions?
Sweet build. Ive always liked the ARC actions but I'm 3 deep and about to be 4 down the zermatt rabbit hole and being able to swap barrels across all guns is more appealing to me.

So the inlet from stockys was too deep? You could always bed that dude in there with some marine tex.