Most recent Garmin chrono software update?

Jan 5, 2021
NE Iowa
I just updated the software on my C1 and noticed that there is now a "down range" mode in the pro settings. Does anyone know what that is or does?
Quick search shows this,

The Garmin Xero C1 Pro Chronograph's "Downrange Mode" provides a visual alert (flashing screen) when a shot is detected from a unit placed downrange, helping users track shots accurately.

Here's a more detailed explanation:
  • Purpose:
    The "Downrange Mode" is designed to help users, especially those shooting at longer distances, visually confirm that the chronograph has detected a shot.
    • When a shot is detected by the chronograph, the screen will flash, indicating that a shot has been recorded.

    • This visual cue is particularly useful when the chronograph is placed further downrange, allowing users to confirm that the shot has been detected without having to constantly monitor the device
This visual cue is particularly useful when the chronograph is placed further downrange, allowing users to confirm that the shot has been detected without having to constantly monitor the device

But the instructions say to keep the device within 5-15" of the muzzle. Is there another use I'm missing somewhere?
I keep hoping the next new update will include the ability to go back and add to shot strings. That would be a great option to have IMO.
This x1000 and the ability to eliminate the screen promts. The ability to have the features is great I just do t use then and I hate scrolling through 6 screens when going to a new session. Basically I want the ability to add to a shot string and just turn the unit on, hit new session and shoot.
Honestly not sure, that’s just what a quick google search shows, I haven’t actually updated mine yet
Its an odd feature for sure, doesnt sound useful.

Im more interested in being able to go back to a string and add to it. A few times now Ive been interrupted and had to manually do the math to average my data between two strings of the same load.
I did the update yesterday morning and then took the unit out for some range time. It missed shots consistently on every rifle I shot from - shot three 10 shot groups with my Tikka 223 and it captured 7, 7, and 8 shots out of ten. never had that issue before, I wonder if it was from the update. And I did not have the downrange mode enabled.
I did the update yesterday morning and then took the unit out for some range time. It missed shots consistently on every rifle I shot from - shot three 10 shot groups with my Tikka 223 and it captured 7, 7, and 8 shots out of ten. never had that issue before, I wonder if it was from the update. And I did not have the downrange mode enabled.
Mine did the update in between sessions. Before the update, it missed 1-2 shots out of ~100+ shots. After the update, it missed 2-3 per 10 shots. Same position relative to muzzle

Anybody have any ideas??? Not a huge deal for what I'm doing but it's pretty dang annoying.
The latest update has issues with missing shots, there are posts on several other sites about it. Best you can do is email Garmin and let them know a problem, the more people that email the more priority it gets.
Thanks for all this info. Mine has been missing shots each session for the last week and I had not put it together with the update I did a week or so ago! It has been driving me crazy with a unit that has been flawless for a year or so up to now. Hopefully that bug will be fixed by a new update!
But the instructions say to keep the device within 5-15" of the muzzle. Is there another use I'm missing somewhere?

Honestly not sure, that’s just what a quick google search shows, I haven’t actually updated mine yet

Archers can set it up at say 80 yards and gather their arrow velocity at that distance.

This measurement is utilized by softwares like Precision cut archery. Definitely a niche feature but helpful for those thay do it.
Honestly not sure, that’s just what a quick google search shows, I haven’t actually updated mine yet
But the instructions say to keep the device within 5-15" of the muzzle. Is there another use I'm missing somewhere?
I've used it to get downrange velocity on arrows, to adjust sight tapes. just put it behind a target. Yes you are shooting close to it, within the 5-15" range.
Talked with Garmin today and confirmed it is an issue with 3.30 that causes missed shots. Ran into it yesterday at the range. They are working a fix. Don’t update to 3.30 if you haven’t already or you are out of luck b