You mentioned laminate stocks ... if you haven't seen it, the Tikka Varmint is in a laminate stock.
As others have mentioned, the action is probably far more important than the stock - at least to begin with - and actually holding them is more instructive than looking at them. (And then shooting them!)
I really disliked Tikka stocks at first ... checked out a Bergara HMR, and loved the stock ... but then cycled the action enough times to be reminded that it is, after all, based on the Remington action - it bound enough for me to hand it straight back.
After months of telling myself I 'didn't like Tikkas', finally took the advice of Formidilosus and others here and grabbed one ... action is great, and stock is not an impediment. And, as others have noted, there's always aftermarket stocks - Axial Precision, KRG Bravo, McMillan Edge, and the Manners EH-T, for example.