Budget Raingear


Jan 15, 2015
So I pretty much blew my budget on a new bow, camo and camping gear. Anyone use raingear (jacket and pants) from REI, Eddie Bauer, Columbia, etc that I can pick up for under $200? Hunting Colorado in late September. Something quiet and lightweight
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Check out the Bone Dry Red Head brand from Bass Pro. It was less than $200 total for both. Had them for about 4 years & they've been great. Not the lightest but are quiet & will keep you dry
OR's helium set is super lightweight and works well. Not stuff that you would want to do a bunch of brush busting in though. Unless you catch it on sale it the full set would be a little over your $.
Another vote for Cabelas Space Rain gear. I've got the high end FL stuff and the Space Rain gear and 9/10 times when elk hunting in September I'll grab the Cabelas gear. Just hard to beat for the $$, weight, and packability.
Anyone have a comparison of the Cabela’s Space versus Guidewear Rain Stopper? Both are 4MOST but the latter has tall sizes. At 6’3 LT is typically a better fit than XL

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Wore space rain in a driving rain storm, only wore it for 20 minute hike back to the truck and thought I would be soaked! Bone dry, I would say hard to beat for convenience and money!

No brush busting recommended though, shredded the legs on my pants in some briars but they still get by.
With any rain pants other than mil spec type stuff it may be good to wear a pair of leg chaps over the rain pant when brush busting.

If you waterproof the chaps and wear good gaiters under them you may find they can take the place of rain pants....really depends on how much water is coming down...they are great for dew on tall grass.
I have used the same pair for 20 years.
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Kryptek's Jupiter system is pretty decent and usually you can get the pair for under 150 with a 25% off sale on their site, which they do about 4 times a year.
Easy. Helly Hanson’s impertech, or Grundens Neptune. I trust my life to it sheep and goat hunting.
I just have a Columbia jacket that I bought at Sportsmans Warehouse for $50.

As for late September Colorado.. I have yet to experience rain other than a short 15 minute light drizzle followed by sun, usually happens mid afternoon and is a perfect time to sit under a tree and eat a snack. It did snow a few inches the first week of Sept last year though, that was a pretty freak occurrence.
I just have a Columbia jacket that I bought at Sportsmans Warehouse for $50.

As for late September Colorado.. I have yet to experience rain other than a short 15 minute light drizzle followed by sun, usually happens mid afternoon and is a perfect time to sit under a tree and eat a snack. It did snow a few inches the first week of Sept last year though, that was a pretty freak occurrence.

My only gripe with the sub $50 Columbia’s is I keep losing them...

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Frog Toggs All Sport, 60$. I've never gotten wet and I haven't been able to destroy them yet. I had a First Lite set but sold it, 500$ sitting in the bottom of my bag 95% of the year.
I got the REI rain jacket and pants for under 200 and right now they are having their anniversary sale. Also they are rated windproof up to 60mph.
I have an inexpensive REI set. Hood, packable, pit zips. I would have bought the comparably priced Marmot Precip but didn't have time to purchase online and wait for shipping. The REI set is fine for my infrequent, light use.