Brook Trout

Little Cleo spoon in silver or gold.

Rapala CD03 or CD05.

A pack of mealworms from a bait shop - a casting bubble, and some smallish hooks - you can use the casting bubble for flies too.

For flies I always like the royal coachman, black wooly bugger, and gold ribbed hairs ear.

Or you can toss a red wiggler or night crawler section out under a spinner.

Brookies are great & beautiful fish. Smart - not so much. I've caught a couple to 15" - unknown backwoods beaver ponds hold the best fishing. They'll come out from under the logs and fight over a Mepps #0 in tarnished silver.
1/16 oz. and 1/8oz. Little Cleos are great for trout, brookies included. They fish well in a wide variety of situations and types of water. My favorite is the red/gold.
I like the Luhr Jensen Super Duper in gold color, but like others have said Panther Martin in yellow/black and black/yellow all work well.
I like the Luhr Jensen Super Duper in gold color, but like others have said Panther Martin in yellow/black and black/yellow all work well.

I don't know about brook but we've slayed the rainbows in some places where they wouldn't touch anything else save for a Super Duper.
I've had great success in some northern Ontario lakes for brookies with small EGB spoons and small plugs . The gold and red EGB's were killer .
One afternoon in early August a number of years ago, I was hiking back to my vehicle after completing some work on a alpine lake. The trail came close to a small pond that was just a wide spot in a small stream and since I had some extra time I thought I would cast a lure to see what I could catch.

After several casts I had caught and released 5 brook trout. I decided to work my way around the pond to see how many brook trout I could catch.

When I got back to the point I had started, I had fished 59 minutes and had caught and released 50 brook trout. I was using a number one Panther Martin with a red blade and yellow body. They were not big, the biggest was probably 12 inches. But, they were fun to catch.

We have good luck in WY with Royal coachman and hoppers in late summer. Kids always tore them up with worms and a float. Up high, there isn' t a lot they won't eat.
I catch a lit of brookies. A muddler or Wooley bugger will never fail. If not fly fishing with a sink tip, id go casting bubble and a muddler and never look back. You can cast that combo a LONG way.