Bringing a sheep as a carry on

Jun 29, 2018
Anybody have any experience with this. Shot my first sheep In Alaska last week. I'll do a write up when I get home. Fly out of Fairbanks Thursday and wondering if I can keep my skull and horns in my carry-on. It will be all wrapped up. Thanks
All I have to say is I’m so glad I found this group of people! I am going on my first sheep hunt hunt September 30th for a 10/1-10/10 hunt and I hope I love sheep hunting! You all are awesome.

Hope you enjoyed Fairbanks OP. It isn’t a bad place to live.

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I’m running to Samuel L. Jackson now with the scrip to my new movie masterpiece titled “Sheep’s on a plane”.

Congrats on your successful hunt!
should be no problem , I bought a duffle bag put sheep horns in and flewout of fairbanks. 2 times no issues at all. congrats on your sheep
No issues on AK airlines. I carried one on under my arm and put it in the overhead storage. Lots of funny looks and questions from some of the passengers.
I didn't do carry on, i put in luggage but there was another hunter that took on carry-on. American Airlines had no issue with either of us.

You do have to package up those lamp tips though, mine wrecked the inside of my bag lining
Made it home with no issues. Thanks for all the advice. I stuck it in my carry-on back pack and was good to go. The biggest issue I see with sheep hunting is how to afford more sheep hunts. I don't think once will be enough for me!
I actually put my horns and cape in my checked baggage and shipped my dirty clothing home via USPS one rate boxes (nice stinky surprise when they arrived). I also froze all of my meat in a cheap cooler and checked it in as well, it all worked great!