Where to buy Stone's Sheep skull?


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Feb 22, 2020
I was lucky enough to go on a Stone's Sheep hunt this last August with my son in BC, and be successful in harvesting a great 11 year old ram. My plan has been to have replica horns made for a full body mount, and keep the original euro mount for my office. We planned that all out with the outfitter, however there was a mistake made. When the sheep made it to the taxidermist, he called and said that the sheep skull had been cut off and he only has the horns. It was pretty disappointing news after planning this once in a lifetime hunt for so long.

Does anyone have any insight to where I could purchase a Stone's Sheep skull to put the original horns on? It is not the same, but would be much better than having them on a plaster skull. I am open to any suggestions and do not mind paying if I have to.

Is there somewhere you can buy old taxidermy items? Thank you for any input.

I appreciate hearing that. They are the ones that will be creating the replica for me. So good to hear. Thank you.
Give Jenny

a call at Wy backcountry decor. They did my replica and made a skull for the original horns after a guide at base camp thought he would skull cap my ram long after I left Alaska. The outfitter wasn’t happy with the guide since he knew my intent of doing the euro. When the outfitter called to tell me what happened I could hear the disappointment in his voice. I don’t know what it cost since the outfitter paid for the replica skull. Hard to tell unless you specifically look up the nasal cavity or the brain chamber.
Here is a pic of the replica skull with my original horns. I put replica horns on the shoulder mount.

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I forgot to mention. When I talked to Jenny she first said she would try to fit my horns to a real skull. Unfortunately finding a skull to match the original is tough as most are unique enough so they don’t work. Plus there are not a lot of good sheep skulls in supply.

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I had my first sheep mounted and was never happy with the how it looked (or smelled for a while). My second sheep was bigger than the first. When I gave it to my taxidermist, I had her clean the skull and make a mold of the skull cap in order to do a shoulder mount of the second one and send me the cleaned skull.

Fortunately, the taxidermist that mounted my first sheep told me that he did not remove the horns and clean out the membrane that covered the cores and inside of the horns (hence the smell). I was able to remove the horns off of the first mount with a few taps from a rubber mallet. After thoroughly cleaning and degreasing the inside of the horns from the first sheep, I was able to grind the cores from the second sheep skull down with a wood rasp and belt grinder using 60 grit sandpaper until the first set of horns fit nicely on the second skull. I epoxied the horns onto the skull and mounted the skull on a nice placque. You can't tell that the horns are not the ones that grew on the skull.

So, yes, you can mount your horns on another skull without much difficulty. Maybe sign up for the Alaska Outdoor Directory forum and ask to see if any Dall sheep hunters from Alaska have a deadhead skull or one from a previous kill they would be willing to sell. Your Stone horns should be able to fit on a Dall.
Just talk to WYO Backcountry....I'm going to have them put 4 sets (slam) of horns on replica skulls. Mounts were old and falling apart. Don't quote me but I believe to put the horns on the replica skulls was around $300 all together.

Unfortunately at least 2 of mine are bondo'd on and need the cores ground out of them to fit. Luckily the other two popped right off with the smack of a rubber mallet. Old taxi didn't use very much adhesive on them.
I cant help with a skull, but I'll give another testimony about Wyo Backcountry doing amazing work.

They were also great to work with throughout the process. I shipped my skull and horns from Alaska to Skulls Unlimited in Oklahoma to be cleaned. They shipped the clean skull and horns over to Wyo for molding. Wyo used my real skull to mold a cap for the replicas. I got my skull, horns, and a set of replicas that completely exceeded my expectations shipped back to me in perfect condition.

If there replica skulls are anywhere near the quality of the replica horns they produce (and it sounds like they are) I would not hesitate to go that route.