Braggin Board for Fishing!

Best part about living in the panhandle of FL is fishing while a lot of the rest of the country is still solidly frozen. Slammed limits of three different inshore species for about two bucks in fuel in 70 degree WX yesterday. Such a sick part of the country

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I lived in Desin for 5 years before moving back home to the Northwest and dammit I miss Florida everyday! Saltwater fishing beats the hell out of Trout and Salmon fishing any day of the week, can't convince me otherwise.
I lived in Desin for 5 years before moving back home to the Northwest and dammit I miss Florida everyday! Saltwater fishing beats the hell out of Trout and Salmon fishing any day of the week, can't convince me otherwise.

Not going to argue your point, I lived in south Florida for a bit back in the ‘80’s, and have been there many times since on fishing vacations but, that said, I really do enjoy trout fishing in the Rockies and the rainbow and steelhead fishing that we have here in AK.
Now that I think about it, flyfishing for baby tarpon and snook in the Everglades is pretty damn hard to beat as well. I’m having a really hard time making my point here, but the bottom line is, I think you should just enjoy the great steelhead fishing that you have in the northwest, and be glad that you don’t live in NYC.

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