Boat Driver Needed!

Wouldn’t say I am the best boat driver but it can’t be that hard. The only place you could drive it that you wouldn’t eventually hit ground is up.

Just make sure you pump the breaks to stop and give yourself plenty of stopping room is the only tricky part.
Dude. Hugely disappointed. You need to give more advance notice to these types of things.

We are gonna be in Moab shortly before this. Would have been simple to adjust dates and we would have done it in a heartbeat. 😟
Dude. Hugely disappointed. You need to give more advance notice to these types of things.

We are gonna be in Moab shortly before this. Would have been simple to adjust dates and we would have done it in a heartbeat. 😟
Unfortunately my original boat driver just bailed last minute which prompted me to this.
I'm busy that weekend otherwise would totally get in on this. Hit me up if you ever need someone for this in the future. I've got enough hours for my captains license and can drive anything that floats
Can't drink in the boat anyway if you're driving. Donate your share of booze to a random homeless guy. You'd be winning all over the place!
I’m visiting my mom in Phoenix and I’m a great boat driver….but I stopped drinking so I’m out.
Stopping? Who said anything about stopping?
If you came these probably would have been your driving conditions :LOL:

If you came these probably would have been your driving conditions :LOL:

So what your saying is that Lake Pleasant is like the Greenland/Iceland of the lakes?

Better be glad I cant come then. If I did, you would definitely want an extra life jacket or two.
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