BOAL'D Case Files, The Conclusion

Yes. I did a quick search on that and only found a settlement. What happened?

Not sure exactly. It seems he's scrubbed the internet of all records but the one you saw. Looks like he, or someone with his same name, paid almost 150k for his mistake tough. Sure isn't a very common last name though.
You know, maybe we should focus on getting this guy a little more famous, the perpetrator, not Jlhois.

Get a little more attention on it and Feds involved it's a Lacey Violation, guess he just doesn't have enough clout to draw the attention.
Ok, I'll be serious for a moment if you're willing to read.

Re: going scorched earth on the guy.
People tend to do this when they feel the punishment was too weak for the crime or the crime was too egregious.

Re: BOAL theft.
That's what happens when you monetize anything. There's pressure to perform at all costs. It's amazing how fast people can rationalize bad actions.

Now, back to the memes please!
I'm not going to read the whole thread but based on the original post and the post to start this thread I'm just not going to buy into everything. At best he manipulated everyone here. At worst I don't think we got the whole truth. Either way I'm kind of f-ing pissed. I read alot of arrogance in the dudes posts. All of them. The best part of this whole thing is that I have a sticker on my car and cooler. The worst part is a narcissistic dude got more attention than he deserved.

Ok boys and girls, today in class we're going to talk about how to get your first BOAL.
-(student) But, doesn't the name mean that you can only get one?
-(ag teacher) Shush. I've taken, oops, I mean legally harvested...

Serisouly though, I think we should talk about what we would do in this situation for the sake of young or new hunters. I think there are a couple of reasonable ways to act.
If you know where the dudes camp is, go tell him you found his buck, and guide him to it if it's physically safe for you to do so. If it was the end of the day, and their camp was far, I would have done my usual 20 minute gutless quarter job, and headed to their camp with a backstrap and the heart, and maybe the liver (if I wanted any meat at that time). I would have then told them I found their deer, quartered it for them (leaving the Cape untouched) and I'd ask them if they wouldnt mind if took the meat I grabbed. A signed proxy statement would be handy, but w/e. If they protested the meat part, I would gladly give them the meat and head on my way. And, unless they were total #%@*&#^, I would still help them find it on my way up the mountain in the morning. If they were total ^$:÷$@>^÷*@ (after I just saved all their meat and found their deer, and offered to help them find it), then I would come back a week+ later and see if there's a cool deadhead for me. I'm sure this sounds ridiculous, but hopefully it was entertaining anyhow!
This thread sent me back to 168 page meme blizzard….. then tracking down who the players were… Holy moly
Still curious about how OGDL ended up with the antlers?
From the post it looks like fish and game removed them from C.C./taxidermist and checked the box that says "other". Instead of selling or destroying them, which are options on the form, they are then seen holding the main beams together. Of course this is only my guess based off deductive reasoning and reading comprehension.
Still curious about how OGDL ended up with the antlers?
Obviously the alleged suspect voluntarily gave them back out of sympathy for the OGDL, unless your telling me you can be charged for wanton waste for an animal that isn't even yours.
Obviously the alleged suspect voluntarily gave them back out of sympathy for the OGDL, unless your telling me you can be charged for wanton waste for an animal that isn't even yours.
In my state you cant claim antlers unless you get a permit… im not sure how the heck it works when a guy shoots a dead animal then tags it…
In Idaho they can take any game and the weapon used when there's a violation. Or, at least how it worked 20 years ago.
I will agree mob mentality when asking for a pound of flesh often results in more pounds asked for then available.

I will admit I'm lazy and don’t go actively seeking people doing wrong as I said I'm lazy but also because I aint perfect and glass houses and all.

I sit on both sides of the fence on this issue so please don’t feel as if I'm attacking you. Simply would like to hear your reasoning and points of view.

Serious questions for you and @wind gypsy though. You say employer is too much. What about sponsors? social groups like this one? mutual friends? Would you feel different if a game warden from another area or state had done this.
All fair game IMO since these items are related to the crime.
What if it was your kid’s teacher?
Tough one. I have a feeling my kids will likely have a handful of teachers throughout their lives who do stuff I disagree with (i likely wont know about) or see the world differently. Each case would probably be addressed differently. I do know I'd probably point out the character flaws to my kids if this guy was their teacher.
Sheriff of your county? Where do you draw the line.
Sure, also fair game as I'd expect a sheriff to have a high moral standards and breaking the law on something pathetic like this doesn't fit the bill.
My point is if you are willing to roast him at all then it seems a little silly to set a moral boundary at employer. I don’t remember anyone pulling up on the Cecil the lion dude. And he did it all legally. They roasted that dude for months and hounded him so much he had to close his business. This guy actually did wrong. And I don’t see how he could explain away wanton waste. And this isn’t the first time he did wrong either. Seems making bad decisions is in this guy’s DNA.

@Marbles's post addressed it better than i could. In the eyes of many, dentist who killed Cecil did wrong and they were "holding him accountable".
Entrance hole sizes are influenced by things other than just starting diameter.

A .22 mag can leave a 50 cal sized round hole in hide.
It basically comes down to hydrostatic shock. A muzzleoader and a .22 are moving much slower than a high-powered rifle, so they don't cause the same trauma when they hit the animal.