Black Rifle Coffee has let me down, those #$%#$%

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Nothing better than a cup of instant coffee at 4 am fresh out of the sleeping bag opening morning.

True story.

Many moons ago I worked with a very fetching lass who had a second job at a coffee cart. One time she brought me a very fancy cup of coffee. I made the comment that a cup of coffee like that was a great way to start the day.
She looked me square in the eye and said, “I know a better way.”

She sure did.

or it could have been in your truck bed. BRC has no reason to believe you're telling the truth. They could have, and arguably should have replaced them. Wouldn't have cost them anything. But I think your willingness to burn the whole thing down is laughable and petty. You live a charmed life man. Move on to the next thing.
I sure wish this was the most serious thing I have going in my life!
Your pissed because your year old instant coffee you probably left in a tote in the garage went bad?
I have Via packets that expired in 2011 (that are in a tote in the garage) that I still use for hunting that aren't hard, and taste just fine. I had some earlier this week, they are still decent. I would imagine that if the seals fail that the coffee will harden and go bad, but I've gone through hundreds of these things over the last 15 years and only found a couple where that happened.