Black Rifle Coffee Company


Feb 13, 2017
I fortunately dont have a palate discernible enough to tell good coffee from bad same with whiskey and wine I do seem to appreciate different brew methods though like pour overs and french presses which seems odd to me
It's similar to beer to me, minute differences but folgers comes off as weak flavored coffee vs some of the small roasters.


Mar 16, 2016
I edited to be "cheap" coffee. Haha I can stomach it but you are right, we all got to decide what we will pay a premium on.

Like me drinking Busch Lite..nectar of the gods to me, dog piss to others lol
My buddies give me so much crap because I drink cheap coffee, swear by Keystone and rarely eat out but have thousands of dollars worth of glass.

I have an uncle that is very wealthy and he was telling me a story one day about going to the bank to get 80,000 dollars in cash from his savings to buy an investment property. At the time, his main mode of transportation was a 5000 dollar Toyota Camry. I was like "wait, your telling me that you can get 80,000 dollars from your savings account but drive a 5000 dollar car?" His response was "theres a reason that I have more than 80,000 dollars in the bank."

That has always stuck with me.


Mar 13, 2019
Never have been a huge coffee snob, Folgers has always done the job for me but I did get a free bag of BRCC and will say, that shit was good. Still cant justify the cost but it is tempting.
I only drink coffee when I'm awake so it's Folgers half caf for me. I do drink Dutch Bros. from time to time on the road. Grew up drinking Folgers so It suits me. Starbucks tastes burnt to me. I liked BRC and all but as much as I drink, it would kill me or bankrupt me. Not sure which would happen first. So, I'll just drink my Folgers from my BRC mug.


Mar 16, 2016
Somewhere Dave Ramsey is fully torqued
I think Dave is a little unrealistic with some of his stuff but I have incorporated a lot of what he preaches into my life and its paid off pretty well for me so far. There's a limited amount of income and an unlimited amount of expenses. Its all about priorities.


Mar 16, 2016
I only drink coffee when I'm awake so it's Folgers half caf for me. I do drink Dutch Bros. from time to time on the road. Grew up drinking Folgers so It suits me. Starbucks tastes burnt to me. I liked BRC and all but as much as I drink, it would kill me or bankrupt me. Not sure which would happen first. So, I'll just drink my Folgers from my BRC mug.
I drink one, maybe two cups a day. I also dont like straight black so it gets a half packet of hot chocolate too. 3LBS of Folgers last me 4 months. $2.50 a month for my caffeine kick is pretty good if you ask me.
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Mar 13, 2019
I even carry my 1 pint thermos and Snow Peak stove and Folgers coffee bags in my pack while hunting.


Apr 4, 2013
I'd say it's hard to believe that some folks would deem BRCC as anti-2A after a couple $500 donations to the democratic party years ago vs. the millions they donate to veterans and the right but, it's 2020 and cancel culture is the thing to do these days. I will continue to support them as I believe they are in business for the right reasons.


Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
My buddies give me so much crap because I drink cheap coffee, swear by Keystone and rarely eat out but have thousands of dollars worth of glass.

I have an uncle that is very wealthy and he was telling me a story one day about going to the bank to get 80,000 dollars in cash from his savings to buy an investment property. At the time, his main mode of transportation was a 5000 dollar Toyota Camry. I was like "wait, your telling me that you can get 80,000 dollars from your savings account but drive a 5000 dollar car?" His response was "theres a reason that I have more than 80,000 dollars in the bank."

That has always stuck with me.

Years ago there was an old farmer in Northwest Arkansas, guy wore overalls and dip stained t-shirts as well as driving an old Ford from the 80s. Anyway story is his truck broke down in Little Rock, so he got a cab to one of the Ford dealerships. They asked him how he planned to pay for a new truck, he said "a check." You can imagine how that went over. So, he tells them to call his bank. They call the bank and ask how big of a check they should take. All the bank would say was "what ever he wants, give it to him. The check will clear."

Too many people use debt to pretend they have money.

I've not tried Black Rifle Coffee, but I do like good coffee. Going from bad coffee to good I did not notice a difference. However, going back to bad after having good for a while, I notice. It illustrates Epicurus' point well.
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Mar 16, 2016
Years ago there was an old farmer in Northwest Arkansas, guy wore overalls and dip stained t-shirts as well as driving an old Ford from the 80s. Anyway story is his truck broke down in Little Rock, so he got a cab to one of the Ford dealerships. They asked him how he planned to pay for a new truck, he said "a check." You can imagine how that went over. So, he tells them to call his bank. They call the bank and ask how big of a check they should take. All the bank would say was "what ever he wants, give it to him. The check will clear."

Too many people use debt to pretend they have money.

I've not tried Black Rifle Coffee, but I do like good coffee. Going from bad coffee to good I did not notice a difference. However, going back to bad after having good for a while, I notice. It illustrates Epicurus' point well.

I am lucky to have a couple good role models in my life when it comes to money. My uncle definitely lives a good life, drives a Raptor now but I got to watch him build from nothing to what he has now.

The best part about the story of the getting 80,000 from the bank is that the moral of the story was if you ever go get that much money to go to a real estate auction. Do it discreetly. The guy behind him in line ended up winning the auction at 81,000.

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May 16, 2020
When I hired on at the fire department the old captains only drank Maxwell House/Folgers/Chock Full O Nuts. And when it was time for the second pot (or third), woe be unto you if you dumped the whole basket of grounds. The play was to sprinkle a spoonful of new grounds on top of the old and make another pot. The coffee was always truly awful if you weren't the first one out of bed. But you wouldn't say shit to Cap, unless you wanted to spend the next shift dragging 5 inch hose in some hellish training that they made up to punish you. Those guys were real salt of the earth.

20 years later and I walk down to the day room and the "young" guys are grinding fresh roasted coffee and doing french press. The coffee is undoubtedly better, but I can't help but feel like we lost something along the way.

Anyway, BRCC is great. They make some great coffee!
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