Bighorn Sheep Tag Process

Mar 21, 2023
Bighorn sheep hunters, talk to me like I’m 5. I’ve been on a dall sheep hunt in Alaska, which was simple. Book the hunt and there’s no worries about a tag. I believe (correct me if I’m wrong, that Stone sheep is the same general process).

But for Rocky Mountain Bighorn and Desert Bighorn, I believe getting a tag is all draw based? Or can you buy a tag for a steep price? If it is draw based for bighorns, how do y’all go about selecting the state and units to put in for? If you do draw a tag, do you then find an outfitter to help guide?

Apologies for all the questions. Just trying to get my footing on the process of gaining a bighorn tag.
I think most of the hunts in the lower 48 are once in a lifetime types hunts. I live in Colorado and that’s the gig here. We have bighorn and desert bighorn.

The rocky mountain bighorn are on a draw system, it takes three point to even enter the draw and then there is a weighted point system you can opt to do after that. I just started this process so I am learning as I go.

The desert bighorn are on a lottery and there are 11 tags if I remember correctly. 10 for residents and one for non residents.

Montana has an OTC sheep hunt, the unlimited. There are four areas, all in gnarly areas, that are difficult to access and have a quota that has a call in requirement. There are a few threads on here about it, if you search for them you can find them pretty easily.

I have been on two sheep hunts in Alaska, I went with a buddy who is a resident on both and had an absolute blast.
I think it’s a little too complicated (draws, raffles, MX hunts) to be explained to a 5 year old. 🤣
Draw tags/Raffles- apply/buy, hit the lottery, you get the tag, hunt it with or without an outfitter in most cases, your choice

Mexico/Alberta/Reservations/Governor tags- pay a lot of money for the tag (50k-200k+), most will come with or require a guide, Governor tag guide would not be required
You can book Rocky Bighorn hunts in Alberta. You can book desert bighorn hunts in Mexico. You MAY be able to book a Rocky hunt in BC but I’m not sure anymore; all those hunts went way out of my budget a couple decades ago. Other than that you have to be incredibly lucky/blessed and draw a lower 48 tag.
This is how I would approach it. Make a list of every state that has an opportunity for you to get a tag and add up the number of tags that would be available to you either as a resident or NR. This information is available in the states websites. Then determine the cost to apply - app fee, hunting license, tag fee up front, pref or bonus point. Next, after looking at the above decide if you are comfortable applying and which states to apply in. As an example it cost me about $1400 each year in non-refundable costs for all the states and species, not just sheep, I apply for. For some states I still have to front a lot more tag money but eventually get that back.
After that I would start researching specific units to apply in for each state. You can get all the info off each state website or enroll in one of the many services that provide that info for a fee. To manage expectations, I started applying for sheep tags when I was a kid started building points for the last 25 years and finally, at age 54 last year drew my first NR sheep tag in the lower 48. It isn’t getting any easier. Good luck.

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I would look to one of the tag draw companies like Huntin Fool also, know an older gentleman that drew his desert tag that way.
When I drew my Wyoming licenses I had several outfitters send me info on guided hunts too.
Nonresident odds in Colorado are .0027. Or if my math is right, about 1 in 400. If you have the money just spend a few hundred thousand and get it done.
Bighorn sheep hunters, talk to me like I’m 5. I’ve been on a dall sheep hunt in Alaska, which was simple. Book the hunt and there’s no worries about a tag. I believe (correct me if I’m wrong, that Stone sheep is the same general process).

But for Rocky Mountain Bighorn and Desert Bighorn, I believe getting a tag is all draw based? Or can you buy a tag for a steep price? If it is draw based for bighorns, how do y’all go about selecting the state and units to put in for? If you do draw a tag, do you then find an outfitter to help guide?

Apologies for all the questions. Just trying to get my footing on the process of gaining a bighorn tag.
If a state has a point system don't bother wasting your money.

For example there is a unit in Montana that had just over a MILLION applications (after squaring points) in 2023. You would start with one in your first year. And you will never catch up.

1. Buy a tag/hunt from an Indian Reservation in New Mexico, Arizona or Montana.
2. Buy a tag/hunt from a rancher in New Mexico, Colorado or Texas that sells his tags through a ranching for wildlife program. Or the same in Mexico.
3. Buy a tag through an auction at a convention. Normally the Wild Sheep Foundation these are $80,000-550,000.
4. Buy a tag and guided hunt through an outfitter in Alberta or British Columbia that has a validation. Ensure that the tag is yours, weather you kill one or not and can come back later in the year. There was a huge problem with BC guides selling hunts for tags they did not own.
5. Win a tag in a state lottery through the state wildlife agencies own lottery.
6. Win a tag in a draw through the state's own website.

In any case use a good firm that manages this like WTA or another big booking agent.

Private land desert in New Mexico is $80,000ish. Texas is $100,000ish.

Reservation hunts OTC are similar.

Not sure about Alberta and BC. I have not see those prices in a few years. I would think $70-100,000.

Ask them about the Amandaris ranch in New Mexico. Ted Turner owns it.

They might have a line on the reservation and private land tags.

Here is the information for Colorado.

First forget about ever planning to draw a bighorn sheep tag. Odds are just against it ever happening, especially starting late and a Non-resident of a state with Sheep. If you like gambling then play the odds. lots of raffles too through many Conservation groups for hunts as well.

There are a couple good posts on how to go about buying a Bighorn tag, the cost just keeps going up.

Stone/Fannin Sheep you need to book with an outfitter who has an allotment (BC) while iirc Yukon does not have a limit- but beware that these are not 100% guaranteed success hunts.

Mexico sheep- there are High Fence hunts mainly in Sonora. These will cost less $45-55k is what I see. While the free range sheep are $65k++ but need to be aware that some can be pen raised and released.
Ever notice how people that are not face to face love to be a smart ass. I just don't get it. Most people on here are always willing to help each other. I guess I am just a old dinosaur
The "S" word (sheep, in this case) tends to get chests swoll up! (Also a lot of helpful posts and good info provided by complete strangers on the internet!)

Lots of pen't/spent up feelings, urges, and emotions, and dollars tied to that "S" word.

And the older we get, the more difficult it becomes to scare up a little "S"....or even some Intel.

If ever there were a "do your own homework" subforum, this I it. I get it.
I am of the theory that a lot of people think there is some kind of secret to getting an $8000 sheep hunt. Those days died out in 2000 when $8000 dall sheep hunts were still a thing. There used to be $4000 Dall and Blue sheep hunts in 1993.

At least you have taken a dall. That's an accomplishment, and if you are serious about doing more of that and have the cash good for you.

A guy I served with in the Navy illegally party killed a bighorn in Wyoming that his cousin drew when they were both 14. Must have been 30 years ago, that I heard about it. There are plenty of stories of guys like that kid that were in the right place and got to go sheep hunting.

You can always hunt free range mouflon in Europe for about $2500 plus air fare. Won't be a huge trophy, but it is possible. A huge mouflon free range would be about the same cost as a dall sheep. $18,000-25,000 for a big 90cm ram.
You can also hunt free range Aoudad (Barbary) Sheep i n Texas and New Mexico, either private or public land
If aoudad aren’t dealt with like varmints in Texas soon, it’s going to be a big problem for sheep. It already is.
They are cool animals though.