Biden announces proposed gun control measures

I held my nose and voted for them only because there was no real acceptable alternative.

I get you here, but this doesn't really address the point I was making.

Biden will work across the aisle because that's what he's predictably done over his multiple decades in public office. This has earned him the ire of many Democrats, just as it earned McCain and Romney the disdain of many Republicans. He's already demonstrating this in real-time, at the cost of failing to immediately pass legislation with overwhelming public support to appease Republicans in Congress.

If the dude doesn't have the testicles to pass immediate relief when it could be argued that that issue single-handedly won control of the Senate for his party, AND has support from several Republican Senators, it's just highly doubtful he's going to do something as brazen as an all-out attack on the 2A.

And even if he did, there are enough Democrat Senators who would vote against it, like Joe Manchin, that it probably wouldn't matter.

Biden isn't an extremist, and if progressives were in control of the party you'd have to think their candidates would win the primaries, right?

Again, not an argument for burying our heads in the sand. Vigilance is always a good policy.
Thats of course assuming that fair elections in our republic actually exist. Under normal circumstances what you said regarding the 2022 elections would absolutely be true. These people have and will continue to erode at or election system until our votes don’t matter. All this shit is bought and paid for, 80 + million Americans voted for Biden......c’mon man!
”Moderation”......dude you are so out of touch with reality that it’s insane. First of all that dementia laden old man (Joe) is not pulling any strings. People like you thinking that Dementia Joe is a moderate just handed the reigns to the most radical wing of leftist government in our history. They have every desire imaginable to transform this country from what it’s been to something most of us won’t even recognize. Gun control is a gnat on a bulls ass compared to what they plan to do. And yes they have a plan!
Can you elaborate on who "they" are? What is their plan?
Thats of course assuming that fair elections in our republic actually exist. Under normal circumstances what you said regarding the 2022 elections would absolutely be true. These people have and will continue to erode at or election system until our votes don’t matter. All this shit is bought and paid for, 80 + million Americans voted for Biden......c’mon man!

I think most elections are "bought and paid for." Just probably not in the sense that you mean here.

I think voter turnout was at an all time high in this election because this year has been a total shit-storm. So it makes sense to me that both Democrats and Republicans showed up in record numbers.

I'm all about some campaign finance reform though. That's totally a horse I can back.
I heard a lot of people say that biden as potus was not problem because the gop would hold the senate and then the dems won the senate in the run off. The saem was said of cheating, no cheating or the dems would have won the senate and then the run off happened....

If you lived thru 2020 and still do not believe that anything is possible your a special kind of stupid, no offense.
Biden will continue to be a milquetoast centrist. He's a very watered down version of Obama and as far as I recall, the 2a was largely safe under Obama.

The far right and the far left will continue to rattle sabers and the fundamentals will remain largely unchanged. There will be small "things" done, and both sides will howl in protest/glee.

Whomever stated that AR's haven't inflated in "panic mode" this time around seems to be largely correct. That part surprises me somewhat, but perhaps, as stated, the market is already saturated.
It's not biden that's going to be the problem, it's whomever takes his place when he goes to the old folks home/kicks the bucket. We all know which communist us first in line for that...

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I think that's a reasonable question.

Are you talking about Bernie Sanders or something? I've seen a ton of people talking about how the Democratic party is under the control of its progressive wing. If that's the case why don't the progressives win the primaries?

Are the progressives intentionally losing the primaries to lull people into a false sense of security?
"Our side" (conservative) probably has 85-90% of all privately owned firearms in the country. My guess is that number is in the hundreds of millions of firearms. I'm sure most of on RS own several, if not dozens along with thousands of rounds of ammo. Yet in spite of this, the number of incidents of "offensive" crimes (robbery, car jacking, murder, etc) committed with them is practically zero.
Almost every gun related crime is committed by previously convicted criminals, thugs & gang bangers which most people would agree are NOT conservative leaning people.

It is asinine to think that a person that is going to commit a felony would miraculously decide not to if the gun he possesses is now illegal.

Gun control is about CONTROL, period. Control of the people. If the citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, China, N Korea, etc. had firearms they wouldn't be under totalitarian rule for decades would they?

And for the millionth time... the second amendment has NOTHING TO DO WITH HUNTING!!
kamala is as progressive as it gets, one heartbeat away.

I think she was "progressive" early in the primary when it seemed politically advantageous. She moved closer to the center for the same reason later on.

I don't consider her a true ideological progressive like Sanders, AOC, or Omar. I'm not saying progressives don't exist, but they don't "control the Democratic party." Far from it.

Think about it this way. Biden has been more than willing to negotiate on the stimulus bill to appease Republicans in Congress who think it isn't targeted enough or it's too expensive.

If Socialists are running the party behind the scenes, why wouldn't he be negotiating in the other direction with the progressives in his party, who have voiced support for $2k checks monthly? If they're pulling the strings, they're doing a pretty shitty job.

The fact is so far Biden has been demonstrably more willing to play ball with Republicans than progressives. That doesn't surprise me at all, but then again I understand that progressives don't run the party. If they did, Biden wouldn't have made it out of the primary.

The whole "Extremists secretly run the Democratic Party" thing just doesn't make sense. If you ask even a few basic, common sense questions the whole theory falls apart. It also doesn't jive with anything actually going on right now in American politics, like the Covid relief bill, the filibuster, or senate power sharing.

All the evidence suggests Biden is more concerned with Republicans in Congress being content than appeasing progressives, which is in keeping with how he's been basically his entire political career. He's the Democrat counterpart to a McCain or Romney.
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This is the crap that gets threads derailed and closed.

Is this a joke after your last quote?
Keep your political shit outta this...
Wasn’t political, they both are behind bankruptcies. You however seem to be upset and I will be sensitive to your needs moving forward. Biden Gun control thread is okay but Trump NRA is a problem?
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"Our side" (conservative) probably has 85-90% of all privately owned firearms in the country. My guess is that number is in the hundreds of millions of firearms. I'm sure most of on RS own several, if not dozens along with thousands of rounds of ammo. Yet in spite of this, the number of incidents of "offensive" crimes (robbery, car jacking, murder, etc) committed with them is practically zero.
Almost every gun related crime is committed by previously convicted criminals, thugs & gang bangers which most people would agree are NOT conservative leaning people.

It is asinine to think that a person that is going to commit a felony would miraculously decide not to if the gun he possesses is now illegal.

Gun control is about CONTROL, period. Control of the people. If the citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, China, N Korea, etc. had firearms they wouldn't be under totalitarian rule for decades would they?

And for the millionth time... the second amendment has NOTHING TO DO WITH HUNTING!!

I posted these stats on a different thread.

Gun ownership in general is definitely more common among Republicans, with 57% of Republicans having at least one gun in their household.

But 25% of Democrats live in a household with at least one firearm. That is not an insignificant number of voters at all.

I don't know that your statement regarding crime and political affiliation would hold up to scrutiny.

The majority of white prisoners polled in this survey supported President Trump. Also, weirdly enough, Democrats who were incarcerated were less likely to support an assault weapons ban than Democrats in the overall population.

This stuff often isn't easy to just make guesses about.
I think that's a reasonable question.

Are you talking about Bernie Sanders or something? I've seen a ton of people talking about how the Democratic party is under the control of its progressive wing. If that's the case why don't the progressives win the primaries?

Are the progressives intentionally losing the primaries to lull people into a false sense of security?
The problem is the catering to the progressive left, giving it a foothold. The party as a whole has shifted a lot in the last 15 years

The media gives the progressive left a loud voice currently. It’s likely to keep shifting left. Look at the cancel culture compared to yesteryear. It’s not just the second amendment that’s under attack, the first has its comers too
Wasn’t political, they both are behind bankruptcies. You however seem to be triggered and I will be sensitive to your needs moving forward. Biden Gun control thread is okay but Trump NRA is a problem?
Meh...couldn't give a shit about the NRA -- until they remove WL they are a joke and won't see a dime from our home. We were 5 year members heretofore.
Biden doesn't know what's going on, I don't blame him for legistaltion or even this thread. He's being manipulated the way an old uncle is put out on a lawn chair.
And your excuse here is further bullshit. DT butthurt-- that's the only logical reason for your reference to him; it's the same thing with references to God, "climate change" or anything else that Socialist snowflakes at this very forum find offensive.
Wayne LaPierre can blow a goat. Complete prick. The blatant mismanaging of important funds is unacceptable

I try to donate to the NRA-ILA only but he probably skims that too

So far even with the skimming it has been enough
Meh...couldn't give a shit about the NRA -- until they remove WL they are a joke and won't see a dime from our home. We were 5 year members heretofore.
Biden doesn't know what's going on, I don't blame him for legistaltion or even this thread. He's being manipulated the way an old uncle is put out on a lawn chair.
And your excuse here is further bullshit. DT butthurt-- that's the only logical reason for your reference to him; it's the same thing with references to God, "climate change" or anything else that Socialist snowflakes at this very forum find offensive.
What are you talking about?