BHA Rendezvous

Here is something for you to ponder on your way out. In case you still don't think companies like Patagonia have ulterior motives.
90 percent of Patagonia’s product line is petroleum based materials, much of which came from leases on public land.
I am not a 1 issue guy, Bill.

I fully support the second amendment. Period.

I can however, agree with people on public lands that I don’t agree with on the 2A. I can also agree with people on the 2A, that don’t agree with me on public lands.

I don’t think I’m alone.
Of course you are not alone. I agree with what you said too. Where I "think" we differ is I won't associate with or donate money to a group that supports one issue I support if they support other groups or issues that are against another issue that means a lot to me. For instance say for sake of argument BHA supports anti hunting groups (I don't know if they do or don't) and public access. BHA and I would agree that having public land open for recreation is good. However, I would not associate with them or donate money to them because they support anti hunting groups. I would not like BHA, because they support anti hunting groups, if they really did. I "think" that's our divide. Also, I would support conservative politicians that were pro land transfer if they were pro hunting, pro 2nd Amendment, and fiscaly conservative. However, if there were 2 conservative politicians who's only dufference was that one was bought by oil companies or ranchers and voted for their interests at the cost of the many or the people, I would support the one who supports the people. For me the public land issue is probably the least of my concerns in politics. I'll admit, I'm biased, because I live in California and am yearning for conservativeness. If I lived in a conservative state like Idaho, I'd be furious with the politicians who voted in that stupid trespass law. I'm considering not moving to Idaho, because of that.
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Bill, our opinions are shaped by our experiences.

I get it.

I can just tell you from experience I haven’t met a fake hunter at a BHA event yet. They aren’t anti-hunter. They are just Pro public lands.

See if you can find a pint night in your area and talk to some members yourself. You might be surprised.
Their efforts to increase public access and keep public lands in public hands? absolutely.

I hike, hunt, fish, trap, call predators, cut firewood, bird watch, and work professionally on public lands...only makes sense.
Would you still support them if they support anti hunting groups? I won't.
Of course you are not alone. I agree with what you said too. Where I "think" we differ is I won't associate with or donate money to a group that supports one issue I support if they support other groups or issues that are against another issue that means a lot to me. For instance say for sake of argument BHA supports anti hunting groups (I don't know if they do or don't) and public access. BHA and I would agree that having public land open for recreation is good. However, I would not associate with them or donate money to them because they support anti hunting groups. I would not like BHA, because they support anti hunting groups, if they really did. I "think" that's our divide. Also, I would support conservative politicians that were pro land transfer if they were pro hunting, pro 2nd Amendment, and fiscaly conservative. However, if there were 2 conservative politicians who's only dufference was that one was bought by oil companies or ranchers and voted for their interests at the cost of the many or the people, I would support the one who supports the people. For me the public land issue is probably the least of my concerns in politics. I'll admit, I'm biased, because I live in California and am yearning for conservativeness. If I lived in a conservative state like Idaho, I'd be furious with the politicians who voted in that stupid trespass law. I'm considering not moving to Idaho, because of that.

Does BHA support anti-hunting groups or do supposed anti-hunting groups support BHA. I suppose you’ll drop the NRA as soon as Patagonia donates to them.
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Would you still support them if they support anti hunting groups? I won't.

I'm like you, not a one issue guy. I'll support anyone that wants to protect the most important birth-right ever bestowed a country and its citizens, our public lands. That simple.
Bill, our opinions are shaped by our experiences.

I get it.

I can just tell you from experience I haven’t met a fake hunter at a BHA event yet. They aren’t anti-hunter. They are just Pro public lands.

See if you can find a pint night in your area and talk to some members yourself. You might be surprised.
I don't think they are fake hunters. I'd figure they are real hardcore hunters. Public lands aren't the most important issues to me right now. I believe it's real important to develop our resources and build new dams and reservoirs etc. I don't believe our public lands are really under attack in a big way. However, I live in California and am a mobile hunter. I can see if your favorite hunting ground access got cut off you'd be mad. I've had that happen to me and don't get mad if it's for some new power line or energy project.
Does BHA support anti-hunting groups or so supposed anti-hunting groups support BHA. I suppose you’ll drop the NRA as soon as Patagonia dontes to them.

Again there are 1 million plus hunting license holders in Texas...number one in the country. Their lack of public land percentage isn’t legislative, it’s the fact they where deeded well before they were a republic or state.

The BHA sheep mindset is crazy.

If you support public lands but are more multi use then more wilderness and National monument... you aren’t a hunter and don’t support public lands

If you don’t support a company that donates to BHA regardless of thier historical anti hunting policies aren’t a hunter and don’t support public lands

It’s almost comical
If you don’t think our public lands are under attack or aren’t that important then BHA probably isn’t for you Bill.

I’m sorry to hear that.
I'm like you, not a one issue guy. I'll support anyone that wants to protect the most important birth-right ever bestowed a country and its citizens, our public lands. That simple.
You are dodging my question. Will you still support those same people if they support anti hunting groups. It's ok if you do or don't. I won't. Don't get me wrong we are all complicated and some things that are black and white to me could be complicated to you and visca versa.
If you don’t support a company that donates to BHA regardless of thier historical anti hunting policies aren’t a hunter and don’t support public lands

You don’t have to support Patagonia to support BHA.

I’m cool with that. I prefer to get my clothing from Rokslide sponsors, especially those that also support BHA.

You can give directly or purchase from another sponsor.
I don't think they are fake hunters. I'd figure they are real hardcore hunters. Public lands aren't the most important issues to me right now. I believe it's real important to develop our resources and build new dams and reservoirs etc. I don't believe our public lands are really under attack in a big way. However, I live in California and am a mobile hunter. I can see if your favorite hunting ground access got cut off you'd be mad. I've had that happen to me and don't get mad if it's for some new power line or energy project.

If public lands are of no concern to you, and you think public lands should be exploited for profit, it explains why you wouldn't align with BHA.

My experience is vastly different...nearly 180 degrees different. A result of being born and raised in Montana and Wyoming my whole life. I tend to place a pretty high value on public lands and keeping them.
If you don’t think our public lands are under attack or aren’t that important then BHA probably isn’t for you Bill.

I’m sorry to hear that.
I was brought up that way. My dad was a land developer and my first degree was in geology, because I wanted to get a job in Wyoming with an oil company and hunt on the weekends. I could possibly be wrong about our public lands being under attack. However, I believe a lot more should be opened up for deveopment. Think of it this way James Watt was my favorite Secretary of the Interior. I idolized him more than Reagan. If you are too young to remember google him. That's just the way I roll. I like to think I'm open minded. I was wrong about the Republicans in Idaho on the trespassing issue. That's got me fired up. I know all conservatives are perfect, especially the politicians. You guys did sway me over to the public land issue a bit. I can move on issues, I have been wrong before and will be wrong sometimes. Thanks Bill
You are dodging my question. Will you still support those same people if they support anti hunting groups. It's ok if you do or don't. I won't. Don't get me wrong we are all complicated and some things that are black and white to me could be complicated to you and visca versa.

Do what you want, support who want...I wont get in your way. Wont question you as to why or why not either. Not my pig, not my farm.

I've already answered your question, and wont do so again.
If public lands are of no concern to you, and you think public lands should be exploited for profit, it explains why you wouldn't align with BHA.

My experience is vastly different...nearly 180 degrees different. A result of being born and raised in Montana and Wyoming my whole life. I tend to place a pretty high value on public lands and keeping them.
Right, I figure your experience is vastly different than mine. I might agree with you completely if I'd lived in your shoes. What concerns me about you is you won't answer my simple answer. Would you support a group that supports public lands and anti hunting? Not answering my question is a huge red flag to me. If you answer yes, or people who do are one issue hunters, according to me. Also, you don't get that public lands does mean something to me. They mean much, much more to you. That's what I mean when I say you are a one issue hunter. Maybe I'm using the wrong term? Maybe I'm real naive too?
Do what you want, support who want...I wont get in your way. Wont question you as to why or why not either. Not my pig, not my farm.

I've already answered your question, and wont do so again.
Nope you haven't or I'm missing something. If you have answered show me or someone else show me. I could have missed it. Thanks!
Here is something for you to ponder on your way out. In case you still don't think companies like Patagonia have ulterior motives.
90 percent of Patagonia’s product line is petroleum based materials, much of which came from leases on public land.
I don't understand what you are trying to say? Are you saying Patagonia are hypocrites?
Does BHA support anti-hunting groups or so supposed anti-hunting groups support BHA. I suppose you’ll drop the NRA as soon as Patagonia dontes to them.
You aren't answering the question either. You are asking a question insread. Whatever side you are on that's troubling. I don't do that, or don't think I do. You got a good point. No, I would not drop the NRA if Patagonia donates to them. I'm a huge 2nd Amendment guy. I probably would drop the NRA if they donated money to an anti hunting group. I'd probably drop them in a heart beat.
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