BHA Rendezvous

I mostly lurk here, but I'd like to point out one thing. The Patagonia tag buy back issue relates to the annual buffalo kill (hard to call it a hunt) that takes place as buffalo migrate out of Yellowstone National Park. This killing of buffalo is highly controversial and contrary to the conservation ethic that I think many of the people here subscribe to. Many hunters including myself are opposed to this buffalo kill, and the organized groups that are trying to end the buffalo slaughter are not against hunting, just against this particular process of killing buffalo that migrate outside the park, just because they are outside the park. The most vocal, some might say radical, group is the Buffalo Field Campaign (Buffalo Field Campaign: Working to Stop the Yellowstone Bison Slaughter). Check out their website. You won't see anything against hunting there. I don't love Patagonia but in this case they were righteous, and I don't recall ever seeing any anti hunting rhetoric from them.

I’m very aware. What’s next ending pronghorn hunts in areas with 100% success rates, or winter cow elk hunts that are also 100% success or or CO high traffic area Mountain goats and moose hunts that are 100% success and easy hunts?

I can go on and on......

I’m the opposite in that I would rather work to better a hunt then flat eliminate it. I see that I’m in the minority against eliminating hunting opportunities though
It depends on The absolutism of being a BHA Conservationist. According to many of the BHA conservationists, if you believe in strict and governed multi use of public lands you aren’t a conservationist, and are nothing more then a mangy dog,

Is that absolutism different than the absolutism of being a hunter?

I can tell you many of the people I know and associate with in BHA are far from your definition of absolute conservationists.

We’re probably just going to need to agree to disagree. I find absolutism to be a recipe for failure. I bet Custer would have taken help from someone he didn’t agree with.

Peace out.

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I think the bison hunt controversy rabbit hole would be easy to go down here.

It might be worthwhile too, but I think it may need its own thread. I was going to start a thread about my son’s 2018 West Yellowstone Bison Hunt and my personal experience with it.

I do think excluding bird or bison hunters from collaboration on public lands is just as silly as excluding any other potential ally.
Is that absolutism different than the absolutism of being a hunter?

I can tell you many of the people I know and associate with in BHA are far from your definition of absolute conservationists.

We’re probably just going to need to agree to disagree. I find absolutism to be a recipe for failure. I bet Custer would have taken help from someone he didn’t agree with.

Peace out.

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This thread speaks for itself on the absolutism of being a BHA Conservationist/Hunter. Don’t question BHA for calling an organization with a non historical hunter friendly, non hunter friendly. Lol
I think the bison hunt controversy rabbit hole would be easy to go down here.

It might be worthwhile too, but I think it may need its own thread. I was going to start a thread about my son’s 2018 West Yellowstone Bison Hunt and my personal experience with it.

I do think excluding bird or bison hunters from collaboration on public lands is just as silly as excluding any other potential ally.

No body should be excluded from the conservation conversation table agree 100%, but we also have to be cautious about who we allow to benefit from our momentary loyalty base, just because of a donation to a hunter funded Conservation group. There is no doubt they are conservation focused, but also no doubt about past anti-hunting programs. The blanket justification of thier actions due to a BHA donation it’s whats crazy, no caution no nothing, you donated here is your seat and we don’t care if your back office initiatives are working against the very reason we are trying to save public lands.

I’ll leave it alone going forward, just baffling there is no caution
just baffling there is no caution

I am disappointed in myself if you found my opinions in my posts to reflect a lack of caution.

I will have to work more at articulating my positions. I commend a cautious approach. I hope you continue to research BHA and talk to members with an abundance of caution. I did. Maybe they will grow on you like they did me.

If they don’t, and you can’t join BHA, I still hope you can find a way to stand up for public land conservation and access.

I really enjoyed this years Rendezvous and look forward to next year’s.
Uh oh. Looks like I have to choose between being an alpinist (who wears patagonia) or a hunter. Well, this ruins my day.

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Some of the most enjoyable people in the world to hang out with are the ones who, try as we might, cannot be wedged into a box. Keep on climbing those mountains and hunting, dude!
I am disappointed in myself if you found my opinions in my posts to reflect a lack of caution.

I will have to work more at articulating my positions. I commend a cautious approach. I hope you continue to research BHA and talk to members with an abundance of caution. I did. Maybe they will grow on you like they did me.

If they don’t, and you can’t join BHA, I still hope you can find a way to stand up for public land conservation and access.

I really enjoyed this years Rendezvous and look forward to next year’s.
Caution as in reference to generalization of this thread, not you in particular. Infact I feel you understand better then most what I’m saying.

I’m a previous BHA member that decided to a step back after the Bears Ears campaign.
I’m very aware. What’s next ending pronghorn hunts in areas with 100% success rates, or winter cow elk hunts that are also 100% success or or CO high traffic area Mountain goats and moose hunts that are 100% success and easy hunts?

I can go on and on......

I’m the opposite in that I would rather work to better a hunt then flat eliminate it. I see that I’m in the minority against eliminating hunting opportunities though
I Agee my Texas brother. Texans are my favorite people!! The world, she is a changing... : )
Besides all of the patagucci comments, taking money from groups that also support non/anti hunting causes, and wanting to lock up our woods to any use other than recreational. I don't support them at all, Land Tawney was a campaign organizer for Obama, a guy who did not support gun rights, didn't support logging, and wanted to close down a lot of our public lands to hunting. Now all the BHA supporters want us to support the monuments, **** that. We have 600K acres in Oregon that are non hunting national monuments. It seems inevitable that some of these monuments they want us to support will eventually become parks. They might be great guys, heck I know a lot of the membership that are really good people, but I don't trust the leadership or their mission.