BHA Rendezvous

So this is fake too. Your arguments sound like the SFW blowhards

Read more: IRS Complaint Targets Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
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While nonprofits are required to publicly report major donations on their tax returns, BHA has not been doing so, despite getting most of its revenue from a handful of radical environmental organizations.

In 2011 and 2012, 28 percent and 33 percent of the BHA’s total revenue came from the radical environmentalist-funded Western Conservation Foundation. However, BHA elected to omit Schedule B—the reporting of major donations—from its own tax returns for these years, in apparent violation of IRS rules.

Click here to view the complaint.

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers purports to be a voice for sportsmen, but its funding indicates it is simply a mouthpiece for left-wing environmentalists. All told, 60 percent of BHA’s revenue in 2012 came from three Big Green sources: Western Conservation Foundation, Wilburforce Foundation, and Hewlett Foundation—a fact BHA apparently doesn’t want the public to know. The Environmental Policy Alliance was able to construct this data by looking at the grantors’ individual tax returns.

“Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is hiding from the public how much money it gets from radical environmentalists,” commented Will Coggin, senior research analyst at the Environmental Policy Alliance. “The IRS should immediately demand that BHA file amended returns and hold BHA accountable for its years of incomplete tax returns.”

View the complaint here. According to the IRS, penalties for filing an incomplete tax return can be up to $10,000 for BHA for each return.

Along with receiving nearly $280,000 in 2011 and 2012 from the Western Conservation Foundation—which also funds Natural Resources Defense Council and Earthjustice (the “law firm of the environment”)—BHA has received $165,000 from the Wilburforce Foundation in recent years, a Seattle group that also funds Greenpeace, the Sierra Club Foundation, and others. BHA also received $100,000 from the wealthy, radical, San Francisco-based Hewlett Foundation and nearly $60,000 from the environmentalist Pew Charitable Trusts for “policy” in 2012/13.

“Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is just one of several groups funded by Big Green that trips over itself to brag about its ‘sportsmen’ credentials while advocating left-wing interests,” said Coggin. “BHA is nothing more than a new shade of camo to hide an environmentalist agenda.”

BHA is one of several “sportsmen” groups that takes substantial money from Big Green. The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP) gets 77% of its contributions from just 8 donors, much of it from San Francisco-area environmentalist foundations. Trout Unlimited, which helped form TRCP, has taken tens of millions of dollars from San Francisco-area foundations that want to shut down major energy sources in America. The Izaak Walton League of America, meanwhile, has taken millions from anti-energy activists, including the anti-gun, Chicago-based Joyce Foundation, on whose board President Barack Obama sat for 8 years.
you have outdone yourself with terrible sorces. Goggle is truely not your friend.
Been to Yellowstone. I’ve owned and worked bison, even had a horse crippled by one.

I’ve killed 20 antelope and none took more then hour? Does that make antelope tame?

Ive taken kids on cow elk hunts, where elk set there and watch us get out of the truck walk down 200 yards of fence and then watch us set up, and then run a hundred yards after first shot. Does that make them tame?

So basically what you are saying is you think animals that don’t sprint to Canada when they see a human are tame and it’s unethical to shot and eat them. That’s what Patagonia is saying.

The are over 5000 bison in Yellowstone, heck of a generalization by the way.

Did you ever participate in the Montana bison hunt? The late elk hunts near Gardiner?

I did...and there was plenty there not to like, as a hunter, let alone a non-hunter. I've seen epic chit-shows down there that leave you shaking your head.

How a hunt is conducted matters, and has consequences.
11 million US HUnters is good. Adding 30 million us hikers to the public land voice is better.
Will Coggin and crew are shitbirds as well. No doubt that BHA was in the wrong, but it is fairly common to see young non-profits with skeleton crews and large memberships have some issues with attention to detail. At the risk of sounding like an apologist I doubt it was nefarious. NRA, RMEF, and the AARP all have IRS violations on their records.

It seems you have a point to drive home and are no longer interested is discussion. I hope this thread is locked and individuals like you fade from influence at a faster rate.

Anyone can file a complaint...the question is, what was the end result of the complaint?

I don't believe any action was taken from the complaint, let alone a violation.
Anyone can file a complaint...the question is, what was the end result of the complaint?

I don't believe any action was taken from the complaint, let alone a violation.

That's another good point. Complaints don't equal actual violations. I've worked in non-profits long enough to know that if you have complaints it means you are pissing people off.
Did you ever participate in the Montana bison hunt? The late elk hunts near Gardiner?

I did...and there was plenty there not to like, as a hunter, let alone a non-hunter. I've seen epic chit-shows down there that leave you shaking your head.

How a hunt is conducted matters, and has consequences.

So you agree with and support Patagonia’s efforts ?
So if not BHA to lobby for our public lands then who? who do our esteemed resident detractors use ? I would go to Ted Cruz directly but looks like the wilkes brothers and Robert Mercer got to him first. we can see how well that has worked out for our Montana and Idaho brothers.
So you agree with and support Patagonia’s efforts ?

Their efforts to increase public access and keep public lands in public hands? absolutely.

I hike, hunt, fish, trap, call predators, cut firewood, bird watch, and work professionally on public lands...only makes sense.
So how are we 1 issue people? I’m a life member of both the BHA and NRA. I’m just not as close minded as some and realize not one group will cover all issues or be perfect.
Because you wrote that the NRA has given money to politicians that you thought were pro public land tansfer in a disparaging way, I thought? Am I right? Maybe I'm wrong? That's great you are a life NRA member!!!
You are a one issue guy on this issue. That's where our disagreement is.

I am not a 1 issue guy, Bill.

I fully support the second amendment. Period.

I can however, agree with people on public lands that I don’t agree with on the 2A. I can also agree with people on the 2A, that don’t agree with me on public lands.

I don’t think I’m alone.
So if not BHA to lobby for our public lands then who? who do our esteemed resident detractors use ? I would go to Ted Cruz directly but looks like the wilkes brothers and Robert Mercer got to him first. we can see how well that has worked out for our Montana and Idaho brothers.

Then why does Texas has the most hunters in NA and has one of the highest hunting days afeild

There is two sides to every coin, let’s compare Cali
Then why does Texas has the most hunters in NA and has one of the highest hunting days afeild

There is two sides to every coin.
because of the public land in texas. Just scale the fences with a ladder and go.
Because you wrote that the NRA has given money to politicians that you thought were pro public land tansfer in a disparaging way, I thought? Am I right? Maybe I'm wrong? That's great you are a life NRA member!!!

Yup I did, I don’t agree with everything and everyone connected or associated to the NRA. They are a one issue org and I do believe in that issue just as I believe in many others. I understand not all orgs will stand for what I believe but I support many different orgs that cover many issues I believe in.

That comment was directed at those that are one issue people, the NRA supports many that would sell our public lands in a heart beat and I don’t agree with that at all but do agree with protecting the 2A.
You should let Newberg, Rinella, and Callaghan know they may be dealing with shady people. /s

Do you think those guys know every single thing going on and everybody who is running the show. If their financials are good then Randy should have no problem throwing them up. He did for RMEF when the whole expo fiasco with SFW was going on.
Do you think those guys know every single thing going on and everybody who is running the show. If their financials are good then Randy should have no problem throwing them up. He did for RMEF when the whole expo fiasco with SFW was going on.

I'm just going to stop responding ITT. You obviously have your mission and a set of expectations to meet your fallacies with.

Have a good one.
Do you think those guys know every single thing going on and everybody who is running the show. If their financials are good then Randy should have no problem throwing them up. He did for RMEF when the whole expo fiasco with SFW was going on.

I cant speak for Randy, but he's a pretty smart guy, you don't get the drop on him. I've known Randy longer than he's had a TV show and a hunting forum. If there was anything suspect, I seriously doubt he'd support BHA.

But to answer your question:

2016 Annual Report - Backcountry Hunters and Anglers