BHA Rendezvous

Your right and I never said it was bad, just questioned it. It also might sway some neutral people to not always vote against hunting proposals. I was just saying I would be a little leery because I feel lots of companies Patagonia being one would rather just see all public lands become a huge national park with no hunting.
I'm sure it won't but thanks anyway. Nice to see you bring in personal attacks on a thread.
I am attacking the view point that we can win by excluding everyone but ourselves, and even other hunters that dont fit our narrow mold.
since you personally articulated that point if view several times on here i can very well see where youd take it personal.
For those that feel Patagonia is our friend on public land issues. I can tell you that they are not. Patagonia along with Black Diamond and others, were the two main manufacatures that helped Outdoor Retailer move from SLC to Denver. This is all due to the public land debate on wilderness in UT & the Bears Ears controversy. Having said that the OR show had been looking for an excuse to move for sometime due to Utah's stance on public land access and not closing off land to access. The move was being pushed by Patagonia, Black Diamond ect. to keep land locked up and closed off.

I am not trying to take anything away from the event that the OP is referring too, I am sure it was a fine event. But the Outdoor Industry as a whole is not on our side. They will take our support as long as it meets their needs. Once done they will dump us like a rock.
If I could hit a button and have public lands forever protected by I couldn't them anymore myself I'd bust that button in half I'd hit it so hard and so fast...

Hiking, fishing, camping, horse back riding, jeeping, and the other million things I enjoy would be unavailable without public lands.

Someone saying public lands is useless without hunting is bewildering to me...
Thankfully many of us have come to the realization your perspective will amount to nothing but a lonely demise.

Did Patagonia not start a tag buy back program that encouraged non hunters to enter draws for the sole purpose of keeping hunters from taking animals.

I met Mr. Chouinard well over a decade ago, he use to personally call on his retailers. As a business man I admire him, as a hunter he couldn’t hold a true conversation, but we could talk fishing for hours.

His organization may align from a conservation stand point with us, they do not share same hunting vision, the opposite . Actions tell the tale 100%.

End of the day he is a business man, and a hell of a one at that.
So it’s bad to get antihinting groups to support public lands by donating to a pro hunting public lands org?

Because screw education and building common ground! /s

If I could hit a button and have public lands forever protected by I couldn't them anymore myself I'd bust that button in half I'd hit it so hard and so fast...

Someone saying public lands is useless without hunting is bewildering to me...

Exactly. If I could aid the preservation and expansion of our national treasure by ceasing to hunt in order that my grandkids could enjoy those lands I would. I cannot comprehend the selfishness and cognitive dissonance required to say the lands are useless without a specific and infrequent use.
Did Patagonia not start a tag buy back program that encouraged non hunters to enter draws for the sole purpose of keeping hunters from taking animals.

In one specific instance I believe they did. Here is a reference I found towards it. I have not seen any place or any other hunts...have you ?

Lisa Pike, director of Patagonia's environmental programs, said the company has supported the Buffalo Field Campaign through small grants and clothing donations since 1997.

Patagonia will reimburse the cost of the bison license - $75 for residents and $750 for non-residents - for anyone who is awarded a tag but doesn't use it, Pike said. The company has not taken a stance against hunting overall but objects to the bison hunt near Yellowstone because it won't be a "fair chase hunt or ethical," Pike said.

"It's not a real hunt in the true sense of the word," she said.
Anyone who goes to that level to stop hunting is not your ally no matter how many rendezvous they speak at. With the public lands being useless without hunting statement, it was taken out of context. What I said was if hunting wasn't in the picture I would bet 90% of the people who attended the rendezvous and back BHA probably would not. Therefore, I questioned why they were excited for an anti hunting group to speak.
In one specific instance I believe they did. Here is a reference I found towards it. I have not seen any place or any other hunts...have you ?

Lisa Pike, director of Patagonia's environmental programs, said the company has supported the Buffalo Field Campaign through small grants and clothing donations since 1997.

Patagonia will reimburse the cost of the bison license - $75 for residents and $750 for non-residents - for anyone who is awarded a tag but doesn't use it, Pike said. The company has not taken a stance against hunting overall but objects to the bison hunt near Yellowstone because it won't be a "fair chase hunt or ethical," Pike said.

"It's not a real hunt in the true sense of the word," she said.

So they did start a tag buy back program, thank you. That’s real hunter friendly lol

But ha let’s just ignore that because they support public lands too.

End of the day they have lost market segment to kuiu, sitka’s, firstlite, etc. and now they are playing on Conservation to get back into it. And someone looking for donations got bought. I’m not getting fleas

I’ll support 100% undeniable pro-hunting companies.

Would Mr. Chouinard post a photo of him over a bear he killed? Mr. Sloan will, Mr. Carruth Will, Mr Harrison will.
So they did start a tag buy back program, thank you. That’s real hunter friendly lol

But ha let’s just ignore that because they support public lands too.

End of the day they have lost market segment to kuiu, sitka’s, firstlite, etc. and now they are playing on Conservation to get back into it. And someone looking for donations got bought. I’m not getting fleas

I’ll support 100% undeniable pro-hunting companies.

Would Mr. Chouinard post a photo of him over a bear he killed? Mr. Sloan will, Mr. Carruth Will, Mr Harrison will.
Good. companies like sikta and first lite?
because the are sponsors of BHA, the same organization that Patagonia is helping support.
How can you put up a post proving they are anti hunting and still think they have your best interest in mind? They are seriously just using this platform to become more relevant and it seems they have fooled quit a few of you.
The point is this:

BHA is the organization I support.

I do not support the Buffalo Field Campaign.

I don’t agree with all of the groups that Patagonia has supported, but I am glad they showed public support for BHA and hunters at the Rendezvous. There were likely some Patagonia supporters that didn’t like them supporting hunters, too.

Just because I support BHA and Patagonia supports BHA doesn’t mean I support other groups Patagonia supports.

I am glad BHA is an inclusive organization working toward a common goal.
How can you put up a post proving they are anti hunting and still think they have your best interest in mind? They are seriously just using this platform to become more relevant and it seems they have fooled quit a few of you.

You look at everything as black and white. The world isn’t black and white there is tons of gray out there.

You can be against shooting some park buffalo that are like tame pets because of their location and breeding and yet give two shits about hunting buffalo in the Henry’s or Pinks. Just saying.
There is a huge difference between not agreeing with a hunt and having antis scoop up tags. Matt if Patagonia receives any funds from BHA then your money is going to anti-hunting orgs. Again at what cost is some of this going to come to?
Good. companies like sikta and first lite?
because the are sponsors of BHA, the same organization that Patagonia is helping support.

You missed the point entirely. But go support Patagonia all you want. Just know your money will eventually be used against your hunting rights. It’s disappointing on BHA, that they would present them as a hunter friendly company, which has been shown over time to be false. Money apparently has a voice, regardless of the money’s historical background

Of course Sitka and Firstlite support a .org named Backcountry “Hunters”... the descriptive noun is pretty much thier keystone clientele. They support 100% and live hunting 100%. Unfortunately BHA is obviously deviating from the Hunter part.

Like I said let’s see some pics of Bear hunting up on Patagonia’s website. Sure Rose Marcario and Mr Chouinard would love to do that.
You missed the point entirely. But go support Patagonia all you want. Just know your money will eventually be used against your hunting rights. It’s disappointing on BHA, that they would present them as a hunter friendly company, which has been shown over time to be false. Money apparently has a voice, regardless of the money’s historical background

Of course Sitka and Firstlite support a .org named Backcountry “Hunters”... the descriptive noun is pretty much thier keystone clientele. They support 100% and live hunting 100%. Unfortunately BHA is obviously deviating from the Hunter part.

Like I said let’s see some pics of Bear hunting up on Patagonia’s website. Sure Rose Marcario and Mr Chouinard would love to do that.

Like giving money to the NRA? Because they regularly support anti public land candidates, who by extension should be considered antihunting? Tell me again about your black and white voices?
You look at everything as black and white. The world isn’t black and white there is tons of gray out there.

You can be against shooting some park buffalo that are like tame pets because of their location and breeding and yet give two shits about hunting buffalo in the Henry’s or Pinks. Just saying.

Well elk and deer come off same place are they tame? Wolves do to are they tame? What a joke
That fact you have stand up here defend and Now make excuses for Patagonia trying to take tags away from hunters is mind blowing
Well elk and deer come off same place are they tame? Wolves do to are they tame? What a joke
That fact you have stand up here defend and Now make excuses for Patagonia trying to take tags away from hunters is mind blowing

What’s mind blowing is how overly simplistic you are. People, hunters, nonhunters....all of us don’t just fit into the very narrow little cubical of your mind. In fact I come to the conclusion that the over simplicity is in this case insurmountable. Enjoy the close quarters.
First off, OTT1, I really appreciate this conversation. I am all for hunters getting educated on BHA and what they do. Thanks you for the frank discussion.

Matt if Patagonia receives any funds from BHA then your money is going to anti-hunting orgs.

That is the opposite direction the money is going. Patagonia gives money to BHA, and BHA uses it for conservation projects and public land access advocacy.

It may help to think of this:

I am sure there are many anti-hunters that are Patagonia customers. Patagonia is sending some of their money to an organization comprised of, and advocating for, hunters. Pretty great, right!